Exclusive News

On February 7th the Hindi film Khunnas will be screened in theaters near you

7 फ़रवरी को आप के नज़दीकी सिनेमाघरों मेंप्रदर्शित होगी हिंदी फिल्म “खुन्नस” ।

आर्यन सिने एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनी हिन्दी रोमांटिक थ्रिलर और एक्शन से भरपूर फिल्म “खुन्नस” , ज़ा फ़िल्म्स इंटरनेशनल (सलीम जाफर) के द्वारा 7 फ़रवरी 2020 को पूरे देश में एक साथ  रिलीज  हो रही है ।  फ़िल्म  के निर्मात्री प्रिया कुमारी  ने एक प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस के द्वारा ये सूचना दी है। प्रेस वार्ता के शुभ अवसर पर मुख्य अतिथि प्रसिद्ध लेखक -निर्देशक मिराक मिर्ज़ा एवं लेखक -निर्देशक  अतुल गुप्ता,  भी मौजुद थे । इस फ़िल्म के सह वितरक हैं “2 वी फिल्म्स”।फ़िल्म का संगीत ऑडियो लैब के द्वारा जारी किया गया है। इस फ़िल्म के सह निर्माता हैं राम कुवंर और शरद सरगर(पाटिल)। कार्यकारी निर्माता हैं मनिष्का फिल्म्स और हेड ऑफ प्रोडक्शन हैं विद्या विवेक ।फ़िल्म के निर्माता ने बताया कि फ़िल्म का टिकट बुक माई शो पर भी आसानी से उपलब्ध  हो जायेगा। फ़िल्म के गाने बहुत कर्णप्रिय है जिसे  संगीत से सजाया है  विक्रमजीत रांझा,अमय नारे एवं अनिल शर्मा ने ,स्वरबद्ध किया है -पूजा,पूजा गिरी ,अनी चटर्जी एवं शिवा पूरण ने और लिखा है विक्रमजीत रांझा कैवल्य शाह ,मुन्नी लाल राम व  बाबूलाल ने। इस मनोरंजक एक्शन फ़िल्म के लेखक निर्देशक हैं मुकेश राज सिंह ।छायांकन राहुल सक्सेना का है ।संपादक आद्या यादव हैं। पाश्र्व संगीत सौरभ – गौरव एवं नृत्य निर्देशक संजय चौधरी  हैं।

मारधाड़ निर्देशक हैं प्रिंस। फिल्म के नायक नरेश कुमार की यह पहली फिल्म है और उनकी नायिका हैं मेघा सक्सेना। अन्य प्रमुख कलाकार हैं — देवा महतो, स्वाति शर्मा, अमरेंद्र विद्यार्थी, तालिम साह, संतोष रॉय, राम कुवंर, कुमार सत्यन, पलक खान, महेन्द्र पांडेय, मधुश्री, राधिका, रेखा सरकार, आरसी श्रीवास्तव, शैलेन्द्र राय, विनोद कुमार, उज्ज्वल सिंह राजपूत, इमरान, राज आर्यन, यश आर्यन, और स्वयं निर्देशक मुकेश राज सिंह।फ़िल्म में इंद्राणी तालुकदार  ने आइटम सॉन्ग किया है। फ़िल्म के प्रचार प्रसार की ज़िम्मेदारी पब्लिश मीडिया की टीम कर रही है।

Bhojpuri Films Bhojpuri News

Bhojpuri Film Mission Pakistan Will Be Released On 26th January 2020

२४ जनवरी को रिलीज होगी मिशन पाकिस्तान

एक्शन मोड में नजर आयेंगे प्रिंस सिंह राजपूत

जब साल की शुरुआत ही किसी नये सब्जेक्ट पर बनी चर्चित फिल्म के रिलीज से हो तो ट्रेड  में उस फिल्म को लेकर गर्माहट हो ही जाती है। बिहार और  झारखंड में इस साल २०२०  की पहली भोजपुरी फिल्म   मिशन पाकिस्तान गणतंत्र दिवस के अवसर पर २४ जनवरी को रिलीज होने जारही है। फिल्म आपको जबरदस्त फन देनेवाली है। हाल ही में आए फिल्म के ट्रेलर ने साफ कर दिया है कि फिल्म की कहानी एंटरटेनमेंट का जबरदस्त डोज लेकर आ रही है, वहीं अब  फिल्म के नायक प्रिसं सिंह राजपूत ने फिल्म से जुड़ी एक फोटो शेयर की है। इस फोटो में वे बिल्कुल प्रभास के लुक में एक्शन मोड मे ंदिखाई दे रहे हैं। इस फिल्म को प्रस्तुत किया है गदर और पाकिस्तान में जयश्रीराम जैसी चर्चित फिल्म बनाने वाले दबंग निर्माता के रुप में चर्चित भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह ने जबकि निमार्ता हैं मनप्रीत सिंह।

नानक प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बनी इस फिल्म में एक्शन स्टार प्रिंस सिंह राजपूत और ग्लैमर डॉल  रुपा सिंह के साथ ही श्रेया मिश्रा, रितिका शर्मा, सोनिया मिश्रा,उमेश सिंह, ब्रिजेश त्रिपाठी, अनिल यादव, राकेश पुजारा, रमजान शाह, अनुप लोटा, अर्जून यादव, सीमा सिंह, पुष्पा शुक्ला और अशोक शाह की मुख्य भुमिका है।   इस भोजपुरी फिल्म को निर्देशित किया है रमाकांत प्रसाद ने। इस फिल्म मिशन पाकिस्तान को लेकर भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह कहते हैं  यह फिल्म लोेगों को काफी पसंद आयेगी। मिशन पाकिस्तान में काफी नवीनता है और दृष्य संरचना ऐसी है जो आपने पहले कभी नहीं देखी होगी। इस फिल्म के नायक प्रिंस सिंह राजपूत कहते हैं मिशन पाकिस्तान की कहानी जब निर्देशक रमाकांत प्रसाद से सुना तो मैं काफी रोमांचक हो गया। इस फिल्म में मेरे खाते में सिर्फ एक्शन सीन ही नहीं आये हैं बल्की एक बेहतर कहानी भी कैप्चर की गयी है। फिल्म के निर्माता मनप्रीत सिंह कहते हैं मिशन पाकिस्तान मेरा ड्रीम प्रोजेक्ट है। इस फिल्म में प्रिंस सिंह राजपूत ने कमाल का काम किया है। मिशन  पाकिस्तान की शुटिंग उत्तर प्रदेश के रमणीय लोकेशनों के साथ साथ अमेठी में बने भव्य शौर्य फार्म में की गयी है। तो आईये इस गणतंत्र दिवस पर परिवार के साथ बैठकर देखें भोजपुरी फिल्म मिशन पाकिस्तान  बिहार और  झारखंड के नजदीकी सिनेमाघरो में।

Bhojpuri Films Exclusive News

Bhojpuri Film Sarfarosh Shooting Completed

भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘सरफ़रोश’ की शूटिंग  कम्पलीट।

भोजपुरी में भी अब लीक से हटकर फिल्में बनने लगी हैं वरना इस भाषा की अधिकतर फिल्मों में वही एक्शन, मारपीट, दस 12 गाने, बोल्ड दृश्य देखने को मिलते हैं मगर बिहार के रहने वाली महिला निर्माता शुभा सिंह मुबारकबाद की हकदार  हैं जिन्होंने भोजपुरी में देशभक्ति के जज्बे से भरी फिल्म “सरफरोश” बनाने की हिम्मत जुटाई है उन्होंने इस फिल्म को देश के लिए समर्पित किया है.

इस भोजपुरी फिल्म की शूटिंग सोनभद्र उत्तर प्रदेश में  शूटिंग कम्पलीट की गई । आयुषी सिने एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बन रही इस फिल्म की निर्माता शुभा सिंह, निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर, लेखक अरविंद तिवारी हैं जबकि इस फिल्म में रितेश पाण्डेय, प्रवेश लाल यादव यामिनी सिंह ,दीपक भाटिया,नीरज शर्मा ,आयुषी सिंह,सोनू पांडेय,पंकज मेहताब,संगीत सिंह इत्यादि। नजर आयेंगे.  फिल्म का संगीत ओम झा ने दिया है.वंही गीतकार कवि प्यारे लाल  ,सुमित सिंह चंद्रवंशी,इत्यादि  है।

सरफरोश फिल्म के नाम से ही पता चलता है कि इस फिल्म में देश और देशभक्ति की बातें होंगी. निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर के अनुसार इस फिल्म में बेहद खतरनाक स्टंट है. भोजपुरी फिल्म की ऑडियंस के लिए यह फिल्म एक अलग अनुभव होगा. फिल्म की निर्माता शुभा सिंह का कहना है कि इस फिल्म का म्यूज़िक भी इसका प्लस पॉइंट होगा जिसमे देश भक्ति  गाने सुनने और देखने को मिलेंगे. ।

‘सरफ़रोश’ शब्द सुनते ही आपके दिल में सरफरोशी की तमन्ना जाग जाएगी और देश के लिए कुछ करने की भावना पैदा होती है. इसलिए इस फिल्म को लेकर भोजपुरिया दर्शकों में अभी से उत्सुकता जगी हुई है। फिल्म की पूरी टीम इस प्रोजेक्ट को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित है।जबकि फ़िल्म की प्रचार प्रसार पब्लिश मीडिया एजेंसी के टीम कर रही है।

Trending News

Big Basket joins hands with to enhance social impact footprint

India aims to become one of the largest economies in the world but millions of underprivileged & underserved people in the country still sleep hungry and are void of personal hygiene – the root cause of many diseases. Zero hunger and good health are 2 of the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations to transform India.

In order to help tackle this issue, Mumbai based startup Letsallhelp launched its online social impact platform, collaborating with Big Basket as its supplies and logistics partner. is a simple and transparent online social impact platform with zero fees to take care of basic food & hygiene needs of kids, women, men and elderly at orphanages, old homes, shelters and unaided schools in India. will work closely with LetsallHelp to manage the procurement and delivery of all donated products to the respective beneficiaries.

  • Social impact start-up LetsallHelp launches online platform focusing on providing monthly food and basic personal hygiene to the underprivileged
  • Big Basket to be the supplies and logistics partner and spread awareness of the goodness of giving

Abhinay Chaudhary, Co-Founder and Head of New Initiatives at Big Basket said, “Our long experience in managing logistics will help add to the promise of reliability, transparency and trust of our social impact partner. We are delighted to be associated with’s vision and are sure that our relationship will grow from strength to strength to create a big social impact”.

“I am thrilled and grateful for the partnership with I always believed in a simple yet profound thought – give more than what you get from the society. We wanted to create a platform where donors have 100% trust, transparency and know the impact they are making through their contributions. LetsAllHelp gives donors an opportunity to contribute towards helping underprivileged and underserved and feel good about the impact they are making,” Premal Shah, Change Maker & Founder of said.

“I believe that each one can be a Changemaker so that we can live in a society which we have always dreamed of, one where everyone is content, healthy and happy.” Premal added. 100% of contributions made through Lets All Help’s online platform reach the intended beneficiaries every month without any deductions, administration fees or platform fees.

Apart from being the Supplies & Logistics partner, and will work together in on several marketing, corporate and employee related initiatives to increase awareness and create an impactful giving platform.

How works

There are millions of fortunate people who are willing to help but mainly have three concerns before donating:

  1. Are the beneficiaries really genuine?
  2. How much of my actual donation goes towards helping the needy?
  3. What is the impact of my donation?

At, individuals choose products and quantities they wish to contribute, which will be delivered by to each beneficiary at the end of the month.  Donors get proof of the delivery as “Impact Proof” with a photo when the products are delivered. In the end, individuals get the joy of impacting lives in a meaningful way and feel good. offers various ways to contribute – one-time, monthly, adopt for one year, corporate adopt and employee giving.
For further information, please contact:

Exclusive News

Suhagan A New Film By Ishtiaq Sheikh

बँटी लेकर आ रहे हैं सुहागन

अपनी पहली निर्देशित फ़िल्म से सर्वश्रेष्ठ निर्देशक का ख़िताब पा चुके युवा निर्देशक इश्तियाक़ शेख़ बँटी ने अब निर्माण के क्षेत्र में भी क़दम रख दिया है और बतौर निर्माता उनकी पहली फ़िल्म सुहागन की शूटिंग भी शुरू हो चुकी है ।

विंग्स एंटरटेनमेंट- नवीन प्रकाश रोहरा द्वारा प्रस्तुत फ़िल्म सुहागन के निर्देशक है संजीव बोहरपी । संगीत कार है आशीष वर्मा और गीत लिखे है प्यारेलाल यादव और कुंदन प्रीत ने ।

फ़िल्म को कहानी लिखी है ख़ुद इश्तियाक़ शेख़ बँटी ने जबकि स्क्रीन्प्ले में उनका साथ दिया है निर्देशक संजीव बोहरपी ने ।सुहागन में प्रसिद्ध गायक समर सिंह, माही खान, नीलू शंकर सिंह, इला पांडेय, संजीव मिश्रा, पूनम वर्मा , मीरा भारती आदि मुख्य भूमिका में हैं । बँटी ने बताया की सुहागन अपने नाम के ही अनुरूप ही पारिवारिक सरोकारों को दर्शाने वाली फ़िल्म है । आपको बता दें की बँटी ने हाल ही में लंदन में जुबली स्टार दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ और आम्रपाली दुबे के साथ बतौर निर्देशक दूल्हा हिंदुस्तानी की शूटिंग पूरी की है ।

Trending News

Dr Naavnidhi K Wadhwa launches Annaporrti Drive with the vision to feed 4 Million underprivileged People by 2021

When it comes to Indian celebrities, they have a large presence and influence in India. Given their huge screen presence, it is a lot easier for them to use their fame and put it to good use. According to FAO estimates in ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2019’ report, 194.4 million people are undernourished in India. By this measure 14.5% of the population is undernourished in India. Also, 51.4% of women in reproductive age between 15 to 49 years are anaemic. Looking all this figures Dr. Naavnidhi K Wadhwa has been working continuously for social development and deserve our respect. ANNAPOORTI – An initiative started by Dr Naavnidhi K Wadhwa for feeding the underprivileged people.  Annapoorti launched the drive has a vision to feed 4 million needy people by 2021.


Annadaan is considered as the most sacred donation and the content that one gets from feeding people is unmatchable. Through Annapoorti we are currently feeding 11 needy people everyday, Mrs Universe Asia Queen 2019 Dr. Naavnidhi K wadhwa says, “we lauched this drive with the vision of to feed 4 million needy people by 2021. So I request everyone let us all come together and take that one step ahead towards contribution to the society”.

Join ANNAPOORTI and be a part of the all year round food drive/food campaign and contribute to the society to combat hunger.


Progressive Foundation Of Human Rights Conducts National Conference on Human Rights & Social Justice On World Human Rights Day

मुम्बई में प्रोग्रेसिव फाउंडेशन द्वारा सेमीनार आयोजन।

प्रोग्रेसिव फाउंडेशन ऑफ ह्यूमन राइट्स के द्वारा मुंबई के अंधेरी वेस्ट स्थित कंट्री क्लब में एक भव्य सेमीनार का आयोजन किया गया। इस मौके पर भारत के महान क्रांतिकारी वीर योद्धा अमर शहीद मंगल पाण्डेय जी को याद किया गया। जहां बॉलीवुड फिल्मी जगत, राजनीतिक, बिजनेस मैन उधोगपती , धर्मगुरु , समाजसेवी एवं अन्य वर्ग के लोगों ने भारी संख्या में भाग लिया। इस मौके पर फिल्म अभिनेता राकेश पांडेय ( प्रोग्रेसिव फाउंडेशन ऑफ ह्यूमन राइट्स के चेयरमैन) , मुकेश पाण्डेय ( ह्यूमन राइट्स व्योलेशन कंट्रोल सेल ) , डॉ उमाकांतनंद सरस्वती महामंडलेश्वर महाराज , डॉ योगेश दुबे (नेशनल कमीशन दिल्ली के सदस्य ) , डॉ. आजाद सिंह गौतम ( मेडिकल काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया के सदस्य) श्री आर.सी पाठक (एडवोकेट सुप्रीम कोर्ट, दिल्ली) ,श्री राम चरण गुजराती (गुजरात के भाजपा नेता ) , नीलम पराडिया ( मिस इंडिया इंटरनेशनल २०१९ ) , दिलीप सेन (संगीतकार) , सुनील पाल (हास्य अभिनेता) , अशोक पाण्डेय ( महाराष्ट्र जे के २४ × ७ न्यूज़ के बयूरो चीफ ), राहुल खन्ना (एक्टर एव पत्रकार) , सादिक पी.टी (चेयरमैन कोरल ग्रुप) , सुनील जैन (फ़िल्म निर्माता एव वितरक) , मुरली लालवानी (लेखक निर्देशक) , श्री भरत देवमनी (सह निर्देशक इसोग) , श्री पिंटू सिंह (फ़िल्म निर्माता ) , श्री दुर्गा प्रसाद (फ़िल्म निर्माता एव वितरक आदिशक्ति इंटरनेशनल) , श्री महेंद्र भाई पटेल (गुजरात भाजपा के डिस्ट्रिक्ट प्रेजिडेंट) , उमर खान (ऑर्गनिसिंग सेक्रेटरी मुम्बई) , अज़हर हुसैन (फ़िल्म निर्देशक ) , बबीता पुंडीर (प्रोग्रेसिव फाउंडेशन ऑफ ह्यूमन राइट्स की सी ई ओ) , लालजी यादव (मुम्बई इन्चार्ज) , आर.के सिंह (इवेन्ट कोऑर्डिनेटर ) , दर्शन सिंह ( मलाड के प्रेसिडेंट) , गोपाल राघव (मुम्बई कोऑर्डिनेटर ) , एवं अन्य हजारों की तादात में प्रोग्रेसिव फाउंडेशन के सदस्य मौजूद रहे ।


इस मौके पर भारत के महान क्रांतिकारी वीर योद्धा अमर शहीद मंगल पाण्डेय जी को याद किया गया।

Breaking News

Writer Director Alok Shrivastava’s Film Miss Masala Dosa First Song Recorded In Mumbai

Writer director Alok Shrivastava on song recording at Lahiri House Juhu with singer Sana Aziz , Lavina Israni.

D.o.p.Ashok jamuar,  Lyricist Meenu Singh and Rapper Sakshi Holkar.Bappi Lahiri recorded his voice in los Angelis. The Film unit has just returned from outdoor after a 20 day long shhoting schedule in north in chilling winter.


The film is being produced under the banner of Gold Coin Entertainment.

Bhojpuri Films

Veer Arjun Bhojpuri Film Trailer Crosses 1 Million Views Film Releasing Shortly

Veer Arjun (वीर अर्जुन) Official Trailer | Pramod Premi, Rakesh Pandey, Priyanka | Movie Trailer 2019 Movie  Veer Arjun ( Bhojpuri Col.) Star Cast :- Pramod Premi Yadav, Rakesh Pandey, Priyanka Rai, Ehsan Khan, Niraj Yadaw, Rajanish Pathak , Sanjeev Mishra, Prakash Singh, Vidhiya Singh, Etc Rights Holder ;- Om Motion Pictures Limited .


Producer By :- Rakesh Pandey Director By :- Nand Kishor Mahato Story :- Sajid Shamsher Music Director :- Dhananjay Mishra Company/ Label :- Wave Music Digital Managed by – Lokdhun

New Films

Mudda 370 J&K Trailer And Songs Trending On Social Media Film Releasing on 13 Dec 2019

MUDDA 370 J & K IS A FILM BASED ON THE REAL STORY OF BURNING KASHMIR. IN THE YEAR 1990, WHEN AN ESTIMATED POPULATION OF AROUND 0.7 MILLION HINDU KASHMIRIS WERE FORCIBLY UPROOTED FROM THEIR HOMELAND BY THE MUSLIM FANATICS OF KASHMIR IN CONNIVANCE WITH PAKISTAN ARMY. Subharti Films Media Ltd & Jayas Films presents movie (MUDDA 370 J&K) Produced by Mr ATUL KULKARNI & Co. Produced by BHANWAR SINGH PUNDEER. A film by RAKESH SAWANT. Subharti Films Media Pvt. Ltd & Jayas Films produced by Ms. Avani Kamal (MUDDA 370 J&K) Produced by Ms. Avani Kamal, Managed & Co. Produced by Bhanwar Singh Pundir. A film by Rakesh Sawant


Latest Films

Writer director Alok Shrivastava’s upcoming hindi film MISS MASALA DOSA First Shooting Schedule Completed

MISS MASALA DOSA Team returned  back to Mumbai after a 20 day long shooting schedule. The Film is written & directed by  Alok Shrivastava. Being produced under the banner of Gold Coin Entertainment.


Photoshoot with somsubhro sarkaar ace fashion photographer.

Breaking News

A glimpse of inspiration and human service for the young and businessman in the trailer of Rizwan

रिज़वान के ट्रेलर में युवा व बिजनेसमैन के लिए प्रेरणा और मानव सेवा का झलक

ऑटोग्राफ प्रोडक्शन और रिजवान अदतिया प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बनी फिल्म “रिजवान – एन इंस्पिरेशनल ट्रू स्टोरी” का ट्रेलर और म्यूजिक लांच जुहू स्थित एक होटल में हुआ। फ़िल्म के सभी स्टारकास्ट, डायरेक्शन और प्रोडक्शन टीम उपस्थित हुए साथ में पदमश्री और पद्मविभूषण से सम्मानित प्रसिद्ध गायक उदित नारायण, मशहूर संगीतकार समीर सेन, अभिनेत्री सुजाता मेहता और कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल ने भी शिरकत की। ‘रिजवान’ फ़िल्म का संगीत संगीतकार समीर सेन के पुत्र सोहेल सेन ने दिया है। फ़िल्म में तीन गाने हैं और तीनों गाने मोटिवेशनल और मधुर है। गायक कलाकार उदित नारायण और अल्तमश फरीदी हैं। उदितनारायण तो अपने क्षेत्र में प्रसिद्ध और एवरग्रीन हैं ही साथ ही अल्तमश की गायकी भी शानदार है। उनका ‘एक मुलाकात’ और ‘एक चुम्मा’ गीत ब्लॉकबस्टर साबित हुआ है और इस फ़िल्म का उनके द्वारा गाया गीत भी उसी श्रेणी का है।

‘रिजवान’ फ़िल्म के डायरेक्टर हरेश व्यास ने बिजनेसमैन रिजवान अदतिया की जीवनी पर आधारित यह बॉयोग्राफी फ़िल्म का निर्माण किया है। एक गरीब परिवार का कम पढ़ा व्यक्ति कैसे मुसीबतों का सामना करते हुए तरक्की की सीढ़ियों पर आगे बढ़ता है, इसी कहानी पर बेस्ड यह फ़िल्म है। फ़िल्म में और क्या ट्विस्ट या कहानी है यह तो फ़िल्म देखने पर पता चलेगा।

ट्रेलर और म्यूजिक लॉन्च के मौके पर फ़िल्म के प्रोड्यूसर और जिस व्यक्ति के जीवन पर यह फ़िल्म बनी है वह शख्स रिजवान अदतिया अपने जीवन और फ़िल्म से जुड़ी बातें भी साझा करते हुए कहा कि इस फ़िल्म के जरिये युवा और व्यापारी को प्रेरणा मिलेगी तथा परिवार के बीच आपसी संबंध और मानव सेवा का संदेश देगी। उन्होंने कहा कि फ़िल्म की सारी कमाई उनके चैरिटेबल फाउंडेशन में जाएगी जिससे जरूरतमंद लोगों की सहायता हो सके। फ़िल्म में रिज़वान के किरदार को गुजराती फ़िल्म और रंगमंच के अभिनेता विक्रम मेहता ने साकार किया है। रिज़वान की शूटिंग पोरबंदर और मोजाम्बी (अफ्रीका) में की गई है। यह फ़िल्म रिज़वान की प्रेरणादायी बायोग्राफी के आधार पर बनी है।

———-गायत्री साहू

Courtsey :

Exclusive News

Khunnas Trailer Released

खुन्नस” का ट्रेलर रिलीज

आर्यन सिने एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनी हिन्दी रोमांटिक थ्रिलर फिल्म “खुन्नस” का ट्रेलर ऑडियो लैब , अंधेरी (पश्चिम), मुंबई में ऑडियो लैब म्यूजिक द्वारा किया गया। इस मौके पर फ़िल्म के सभी कलाकारों तकनीशियनों और मीडिया कर्मी उपस्थिति थे। ऑडियो लैब म्यूजिक के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री सतीश पूजरिया ने बताया कि फ़िल्म के गाने बहुत लोकप्रिय है जिसे दर्शक को बहुत पसंद आएगा । फ़िल्म के ट्रेलर और गाने  ऑडियो लैब म्यूजिक के सभी प्लेटफार्म पर उपस्थित है। प्रिया कुमारी द्वारा निर्मित इस मनोरंजक फिल्म के लेखक निर्देशक मुकेश राज सिंह हैं। विक्रमजीत रांझा, अनिल शर्मा व अमय नारे का संगीत है और गीतकार कैवल्य शाह ,मुन्नी लाल राम व  बाबूलाल हैं। एक्शन प्रिंस, सम्पादन आद्या यादव, पाश्र्व संगीत -सौरभ  गौरव, नृत्य निर्देशन संजय चौधरी तथा छायांकन राहुल सक्सेना का है। राम कुँवर चौहान, शरद शरगार , सह – निर्माता हैं तो विद्या विवेक प्रोडक्शन हेड हैं।

फिल्म के नायक नरेश कुमार की यह पहली फिल्म है और उनकी नायिका हैं मेघा सक्सेना। अन्य प्रमुख कलाकार हैं — देवा महतो, स्वाति शर्मा, अमरेंद्र विद्यार्थी, तालिम साहा, संतोष रॉय, राम कुमार, कुमार सत्यन, पलक खान, महेन्द्र पांडेय, मधुश्री, राधिका, रेखा सरकार, आरसी श्रीवास्तव, शैलेन्द्र राय, विनोद कुमार, उज्ज्वल सिंह राजपूत, इमरान, राज आर्यन, यश आर्यन, आइटम गर्ल इंद्राणी तालुकदार और स्वयं निर्देशक मुकेश राज सिंह। “खुन्नस” नये साल के आरंभ में प्रदर्शित की जायेगी।जबकि फ़िल्म की प्रचार प्रसार पब्लिश मीडिया टीम कर रही है

Leo News

Haresh Vyas’s dream project Rizwan took it’s first step towards release – Trailer & Music Launch concluded successfully amongst stars – glitz and glamour

Mumbai : The much awaited movie “Rizwan”, produced and directed by Haresh Vyas and inspired by a true story took its first step towards release. Trailer and music launch concluded successfully amongst the cast and crew of the film with some other eminent guests.

The movie which is already generating interest amongst its viewers because of its story line which is inspired by a true story is expected to be a milestone in the genre of meaningful cinema. The movie is Directed by Haresh Vyas and written by Dr Sharad Thakar. Features Vikram Mehta, Keyuri Shah, Bhargav Thaker, Jalpa Bhatt, Gaurav Chansori,  Digisha Gajjar, Sonu Mishra, Sagar Masrani, Hitesh Raval, Chirag Katrecha.

The event also marked  the music launch of the movie and audience can now experience the magical and musical experience. The movie has songs like “Sukar hai Vyadhi Nathi” which has music by Sohail Sen Lyrics by Anil Chavda, Bhavesh Bhatt, and Altamash Faridi has rendered his soulful voice to the song.

Another musical treat in “Rizwan” is the song “Aao sabko Shikhlaye” which has music: by  Sohail Sen, Lyrics are by Anil Chavda  and Bhavesh Bhatt. Not to forget the song is sung by Mr. Udit Narayan Ji & is very special to all.

Not only Hindi but Rizwan also boasts of a Portugese song “Kanimmambo”, where Mr. Haresh Vyas him self took the job of writing lyrics in his own hand along with Ms. Nilza. , the music is by Francisco Fortuna and the Singer for the same is Marione.


Mr. Haresh Vyas who is donning many feathers in his hat in the movie when asked about his experience said “It always gives immense pride and happiness when you can see your hard work on the silver screen ‘Rizwan’ was a dream project and the only thing I had in mind was to justify it to the fullest. Whenever a movie’s subject line is based on a real story, the task gets tougher and it’s a challenge to recreate someone’s journey in a manner that keeps even the facts intact and at the same time entertain the audience. The cast and crew totally supported the view & the subject and together we all have created something that we wish will be liked by audience as much as it is liked and loved by us.”

Mr. Rizwan Adatia a successful entrepreneur and a diligent philanthropist  has made India and Indians proud is the real life inspiration behind the movie, he was also present at the event and said, “It gives me immense pride that my journey could inspire someone and the audience can see the same on the silver screen. I am a small town boy with big dreams. But the journey to achieve those dreams was not easy the path was full of various obstacles. But I knew one fact for sure that giving up was neer an option and thus my journey continued despite of all obstacles and today I’m happy to see my journey in the form of cinema.”


Vikram Mehta who is portraying the character of Mr. Adatia in the movie, exclaimed happily, “It gives me immense pride that I was chosen to play a living legend like Mr. Rizwan Adatia on screen. Mr. Haresh Vyas had the parameters required to play the character in his mind and clearing the audition was not an easy task. The role needed lots of research and I even met Mr. Adatia to understand more about him. Now its in the audience’s hand to judge how much my hard work succeeded”

Leo News

Talent Runway Fashion Beauty Pageant 2019 on 15th December 2019 at Golden Petal Growel 101 Mall, Mumbai Maharashtra

Happy to announce that Talent Runway LLP, a Mumbai based company, is organising an event called ” Talent Runway Fashion Beauty Pageant 2019 on 15th December 2019 at Golden Petal, Growel 101 Mall, Mumbai.
In this Event TV / Film Celebrities like Soni Singh, Chandani Bhagwanani,  Mansi Srivastava,  Vividha Kirti and many more will be coming as Celebrity Guests.
Talent Runway’s goal is to give  a huge platform to all young male – Female Models, Married women and mom – Kid to Dream,  enhance their inner beauty and confidence.
Talent Runway have 4 Categories -:

1- Mr & Miss
2- Mrs
3- Mom & Kid
4- Kid

For more information :
Call / Whatsapp +91 7506641904
Website :

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” टैलेंट रनवे फैशन ब्यूटी पेजेंट 2019″ , 15 दिसंबर 2019 को गोल्डन पेटल ग्रोवल 101 मॉल, मुंबई महाराष्ट्र में।
यह घोषणा करते हुए खुशी हो रही है कि मुम्बई की एक कंपनी टैलेंट रनवे एलएलपी, 15 दिसंबर 2019 को गोल्डन पेटल, ग्रोवल 101 मॉल, मुंबई में “टैलेंट रनवे फैशन ब्यूटी पेजेंट 2019” नामक एक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन कर रही है।
इस इवेंट में सोनी सिंह,चांदनी भगवनानी , मानसी श्रीवास्तव, विविधा कीर्ति और कई अन्य सेलिब्रिटी जैसे टीवी / फ़िल्म मेहमान आएंगे।
टैलेंट रनवे का लक्ष्य सभी युवा मिस्टर – मिस मॉडल, मिसेस और मोम – किड के ड्रीम को एक विशाल मंच देना है, उनकी आंतरिक सुंदरता और आत्मविश्वास को बढ़ाना है।

 टैलेंट रनवे की 4 श्रेणियाँ हैं: –
1- मिस्टर और मिस
2- मिसेस
3- मोम और किड
4- किड

अधिक जानकारी के लिए :
कॉल / व्हाट्सएप +91 7506641904

Jury and Celeb will be from Tv/ Film and Fashion Industry in Grand Finale.

Artist videos of  Talent Runway :

(1) Soni Singh :

(2) Chandani Bhagwanani  :

(3) Mansi Srivastava :

(4) Vividha Kriti  :

(5) Megha Chakraborty  :

(6) Eisha Singh :

(7) Prateik Jain :

(8) Falaq Naaz :

(9) Aliza Khan :

(10) Kartik Jayaram :

(11) Soni Singh :

(12 ) Mansi Jain :

(13) Manmohan Tiwari  :

(14) Shweta Mahadik :

(15) Mohit Bagel :–o

(16) Yamini Singh :

(17 )Preeti Mehara :

(18) Prakriti Nautiyal  :

Grand Finale Venue :


Leo News

Milind Gunaji -Omkar Das Manikpuri – Shahjad Khan – Ashok Beniwal and Vinay Anand celebrate Sijo Bruce Lee’s 79th birth anniversary with great gusto and jubilation with Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty

Mumbai: A grand program was organised at The Celebration Club, Andheri (West),Mumbai by famous martial arts expert of bollywood and chairman of the Chitah Jeet Kune Do Global Sports Federation (CJKD) Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty on the occasion of 79th birth anniversary of Bruce Lee, a Hong Kong-American actor, director, martial artist and martial arts instructor.In memory of Bruce Lee, a national martial arts championship was organised in which the children from 20 schools from Mumbai and 26 states participated. After this Yajnesh Shetty released a poster of Bruce Lee alongwith Milind Gunaji, Omkar Das Manikpuri, Shahjad Khan, Ashok Beniwal, Vinay Anand and CJKD Director Trishan Shetty, Vice President Harish Shetty and ccelebrated the birth anniversary by cutting a cake.

In the program, school books and study material was distributed among 50 under privileged children. After these prizes, trophy and certificates were given away to the winners of the championship and to the CJKD instructors involved in giving free training “for women power empowerment”.

On the occasion, CJKD Chairman and famous bollywood martial arts expert Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty said that “we have been celebrating Bruce Lee’s birth anniversary for the last 10 years. This year’s program was dedicated to “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and women empowerment and training”. We organise programs related to different themes such as “Swatch Bharat”, “Global Warning”, “Under Privilege Education” etc. We are trying to spread good thoughts through the children across the country”.

———Sanjay Sharma Raj (P.R.O.)

Trending News

First Look Poster: Social Activist Daya Bai Biopic starring Bidita Bag will release in April 2020

From freedom fighters to politicians, sports stars, Social Activist to businessmen, Bollywood has churned out some spectacular biopics over the last couple of years. Recently, it has steered towards bringing to life extraordinary stories of ordinary people. Now we have the another biopic based on Kerala-born Daya Bai, who works among the tribals of central India to better their lot, a Hindi biopic on the renowned social activist Daya Bai will hit the screens next year in April 2020. Bollywood  actress Bidita Bag is playing the protagonist. Produced by Shyse Eppan under the banner of Vettam Movies

The last schedule, directed by Sree Varun, has already gone on the floors in Madhya Pradesh very soon they will complete the schedule. Daya Bai will portray how Mercy Mathew, a Malayali, transformed herself into Daya Bai, a social activist. Her work for the betterment of the tribal people of Madhya Pradesh will also be depicted. While a few portions will be shot in Kerala, there will be sequences in Madhya Pradhesh also.

Director Sree Varun said “Daya Bai has always influenced me. I always wanted to make a movie on her. When we met at Wayanad, she wasn’t convinced in the beginning. But, then she put forth a condition, that the movie should portray her life truthfully. So, our movie has no fictional element but has portrayed her life as it happened”.

Daya Bai will trace every incident, including the physical assault she had to suffer. “Her life is a struggle and many a time she was subjected to cruel treatment, like the time she was attacked by the police when she went to talk to them,” says the director. But, Sree Varun says the movie won’t have any offbeat flavour. “Daya Bai is a realistic movie in every aspect. We haven’t tried to push in any commercial elements,” added Sree Varun.

He also thinks that since Daya Bai spent her life mostly in North India, her biopic demanded to be made in Hindi. On Bidita Bag portraying the lead lady, Sree Varun says she is perfect to play the role. “They share a lot of resemblance. We chose her after considering many other actresses,” said Sree Varun.


Elite Foundation’s Tree Plantation Drive Reaches Uttar Pradesh

Elite Foundation recently Gorakhpur to take forward its mission of planting 10 crore trees across India. Tree plantation activity was done at SNSS Academy, Betiahata in Gorakhpur city of Uttar Pradesh. At the event, Elite Foundation distributed T-shirt s as well as saplings amongst students of the school. On this special occasion students also filled up Shapath Patra and took pledge to make India green by planting trees and to pursue the dream project of Elite Foundation.

On this occasion the management team of the school and the officials of Elite Foundation received a warm welcome by the villagers who took part in the plantation activity. More than 5000 saplings were distributed and planted all over the rural area by campaigning door to door.

In this campaign National President of Elite Foundation, Mr. VK Agarwal said that the way pollution is increasing in the country today, Global Warming is increasing, water level is decreasing, forest are getting over and we the countrymen ignoring this dangerous situation,  that will have to bear a brunt of our future generations. So, all of us should join the mission of planting more and more trees and help Elite Foundation achieve their target of 10 crore trees.

The coordinator of the school Yomesh Nand Srivastava, Ruma Chakravarti, Jyoti Gupta, Rita Srivastava, Rina Srivastava, CP Singh, Pawan Banka, Ganesh Banka, Poonam Kanodia and Shilpi were present at the event and supported the program. It was indeed a successful effort by Elite Foundation.


After Gorakhpur, Elite Foundation and Jaipuram Design College, Sikar reached Harraiya, Basti district, Uttar Pradesh for tree plantation under its three-day program. This was followed by plantation in Kaptanganj, UP. Plantation was carried out at Sant Kabir Inter College, Maa Gayatri Inter College and Indira Gandhi Inter College by Shahnaz Jahan and his team Human Rights Conservation.

Breaking News

Hotflix Calender 2020 Featuring Famous Celebrity Ankita Dave

Justnowstore presents Hotflix Calendar 2020 powered by Swear & Frenzfav. theme country girls, 7 hot girls, famous model Ankita Dave, Ruby Ahmed, Kasturi Rout, Aaditi Kohli, Pooja Joseph, Aashibo Z Chishi and Russian model Esmi will be covered in this International Calendar. Being shot by popular film director and fashion photographer Shiraz Henry and Karan Henry. Hotflix is the emerging OTT Platform in Indian cinema.

Currently Hotflix is proud to present their  Calendar Girls for HOTFLIX 2020. Stay tuned for the shoot pics, HOTFLIX CALENDAR will make its own mark in the world of fashion & style. With India’s hottest models and stylish concept, Hotflix OTT Platform is poised to make its brand as No.1 Brand. Every year they will be selecting the best models and presenting them in HOTFLIX Calendar.


The photoshoot is scheduled for 1st December 2019, at V4 Venus Studio, in Andheri.Shoot is done in presence of justnowstore & Hotflix owner Akash Yadav and Yashu Yadav. The Calendar is being presented by Justnowstore is the emerging emarketplace in Indian market, powered by Swear and Frenzfav The photoshoot is being organized by HDS, Henrys design studio .  censor board member Rebecca Changkija Sema from Nagaland  is fashion designer looking after the model wear, Makeup is being done by International makeover artist Nazma Shaikh .members are Suresh Saroj, Akash Yadav, Abrar, Lokesh Singh. Also present in the shoot were model Depankar Sakya and  Pavi Sakya from Dharmaratna films Sikkim.

Latest News

3rd Hindi Cinema Samman Samaroh at Noida Film City

Noida: A powerful and the first ever designed National Award for Hindi Cinema saw its third edition at Noida Film City organized by International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry in association with AAFT University.

Never seen such a terrific energy in the auditorium with over charged with audience, when not even single chair was empty rather the audience was sitting on the carpet to watch this star studded show at Noida Film City under the president ship of Sandeep Marwah founder of Noida Film City and Marwah Studios.

The Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammad Khan was the chief guest who presented prestigious  National awards to the people who all have contributed immense to the Hindi Cinema. The program started with National Anthem followed by release of Biography of Sandeep Marwah by all the distinguished guests. To start with Chief Scout For India Sandeep Marwah presented Hindi Cinema Samarthak Samman to Arif Mohammad Khan.

Sandeep Marwah narrated the journey of Noida Film City, Marwah Studios and AAFT in short and invited guests to receive their National awards.

The first and the highest award of Hindi Cinema Ratna went to Priyadarshan renowned Director from South and his all super hits are in Hindi. The Hindi Cinema Bhushan Award was handed over to renowned film director, costume designer & writer Muzaffar Ali. Hindi Cinema Sangrakshak Award to director Rahul Rawail, IMPPA President T.P. Agarwal , Director General ICCR Akhilesh Mishra IFS and to President FWICE B.N.Tewari.

All time hit and renowned actor Prem Chopra, film financier Shyam Shroff, popular actor Vikram Ghokhale and actor and dancer Nilima Azim were presented with Hindi Cinema Bhushan Samman.


 Hindi Cinema Gaurav Samman was presented to actor and presenter Manish Paul, film producer and administrator Sushma Srimoni, actor Virendra Saksena, Rajendra Gupta, Deepak Kejriwal actor & singer Arun Bakshi, Raja Bundela, Deepak Balraj and Amita Nangia, Cinematographer Nadeem Khan, Singer Parvati Khan, Best Writer for Feature Film Section 375went to Manish Gupta,. Award for contribution to Children’s film to Pankaj Parashar, Screen Play Writer Usha Deshpandey, Best Actress Meera Chopra for feature film Section 375 and Best Actor for feature film Section 375 to Rahul Bhatt were handed over by    the Governor.


Hindi Cinema Samarthak Samman to High Commissioner of Papua De Guinea H.E. Paulias Korni, High Commissioner of Malaysia H.E. Dato Hidayat Abdul Hamid, Ambassador of Slovakia H.E. Ivan Lancaric, Ambassador of Kazakhstan H.E. Yerlan ALIMBAYEV , Ambassador of Bosnia And Herzegovina H.E. Mohamed Cengic , Ambassador of Vietnam H.E.Pham Sanh Chau , Ambassador of Uzbekistan H.E. Farod Arziev and Foreign Film makers Award to AAFTian Karma Tshering  of Bhutan.

“There is no second thought about saying that Hindi Cinema is the most popular cinema of India. The Hindi cinema has been there for more than 100 years and people of India and abroad have learned Hindi by watching these  films. Appreciating artists means a lot. Not only it motivates but also brings new blood to the main stream. I congratulate each and every awardee and wish the Indian Film Industry, as a whole, a very wide progress and Hindi Film Industry to keep on winning the hearts of people of the whole World,” said Arif Mohammed Khan Governor of Kerala.

Ashok Tyagi Festival Director of 12th Global Film Festival Noida 2019 paid vote of thanks and invited every one to be part of 4th Hindi Cinema Samman Samaroh as a part of 13th Global Film Festival Noida 2020 at Noida Film City.

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World’s Top 5 DJanes Win QUEEN OF MASHUPS Global Title For 2019

SOS : Nitelife presents World’s Top 5 DJanes from ‘Queen of Mashups’ Global Title 2019

#Both the winners were judged by the jury as the joint-winners for their unique compositions at the console

#Social media award was won by DJ Natalia Moon of Australia and DJ Jericha  from Philippines

Queen of Mashups: ‘SOS  Nitelife’, an Exclusive Platform for female DJanes, successfully hosted the fourth edition of ‘Queen of Mashups’ World DJane Championship on November 27. Top 15 Djanes from across the globe participated in the gala event hosted at Dragonfly Experience, The Orb, Sahar, Mumbai.

DJ Blondie from the USA and DJ Neit Kaur from India were declared the joint-winners of the fourth World DJane Championship.

Defending champion DJ Natalia Moon (Australia) emerged as the first runner-up, DJ Cynthia Lacle (Netherlands) and DJ Dicca Higgs (Poland) were pronounced the second runner-up, DJ Farah Farz (Singapore) was the third runner-up, DJ Linda Erfolg (Germany) was named fourth runner-up while DJ Lisa (Ukraine) emerged as fifth runner-up.

The organisers also created social media awards for this event; DJ Natalia Moon from Australia and DJ Jericha (Philippines) emerged the winners in this category. DJ Blondie from USA and DJ Charlie Smit (Netherlands) were the first runner-ups while DJ Neit Kaur from India and DJ Olesya Blondz (Russia) were named the second runner-up.

15 talented DJanes from various parts of the world participated in the competition and set the stage on fire with their musical numbers. In the end, the judges chose two joint-winners.

The audience was enthralled by the tunes of popular dance numbers played by the talented ladies behind the music consoles. All the distinguished guests were in awe of SOSNitelife’s arrangements and hospitality.

These talented young ladies were judged by a jury comprising DJ Suketu, DJ Notorious and DJ Nasha. The jury congratulated the winners as well as the runners-up and hailed the woman power.

Congratulating the winners DJ Suketu said, “I congratulate DJ Blondie and DJ Neit for winning the fourth World DJane Championship. I am sure their success will inspire other budding female disc jockeys to continue doing what they are doing and eventually win such titles. I also thank SOS : Nitelife for this initiative and congratulate them for hosting such a lovely evening.”


After winning the title DJ Neit, who won the Queen of Mashups India title in 2018, said, “I feel immensely happy to have won this championship. I am thankful to SOS :  Nitelife for providing such a unique and wonderful platform to showcase my talent. I also congratulate DJ Blondie for being the joint winner. It has been a wonderful journey for me in the last year. I won the Queen of Mashups India title last year and this year I am the World Champion.”

DJ Blondie on being adjudged the joint-winner of the championship said, “I congratulate DJ Neit for being a winner and sharing the honours with me. I also thank SOS Nitelife and Mr Chand Seth for putting up such a spectacular show. It was indeed a night to remember and the audience was encouraging. All the participants were simply amazing and the contest was really tough but in the end, there has to be a winner. I feel lucky to have come out as a joint-winner. I wish more such contests will be held in the future.”

“We are elated with the success of our flagship contest i.e. Queen of Mashups. I congratulate DJ Blondie and DJ Neit Kaur for emerging as the joint-winners of 4th World DJane Championship 2019. I am happy with the journey of DJ Neit as she has made us all proud. This year, we also introduced social media awards and I congratulate its winners and runners-up. Our aim is to provide a platform to the Djanes where they can showcase their talents,” said Mr Chand Seth, the Founder/Managing Director of SOS Nitelife.

Ms Lina Ingle, co-founder/Director SOS Nitelife said, “I congratulate our winners and all the lovely DJanes who participated in this competition. I wish them all very best of luck in their future endeavours. DJ Neit’s success is a testimony that our purpose isn’t just to entertain the audience for a night, instead, we also scout for the next best female djane from India who could compete with the best in the world and eventually win it.”

“The Global Championship has been a huge hit amongst the audiences as they gather in big numbers to enjoy the evening. Our aim is to make this contest bigger and better with every passing year,” Ms Lina added further.

About SOS : Nitelife – A Synergy of Services

SOS Nitelife Private Limited is a specialized event management company in the country, known for its unmatched commitment to delivering the highest possible level of services and thus turning them into huge successes.

Since 2000, “SOS Nitelife” has been exquisitely conducting Corporate Events, like Premium Product Launches, Celebrity Page 3 Events, R & R Events/Dealers Meet, Offsite events, Exhibitions to Government Projects and many more categories with an unmatched pledged quality, which guards its name in the event industry.

Designers Collections

Designer Rehan Ahmad Baley Showcased His Latest Collection At A Show In London

Designer Rehan Ahmad is known for his western and princess-esque gowns. He recently participated in a Fashion Show in London. The Celebration Of Indian Fashion Involved Fringe Events Across London, From VIP Jewellery Launch Events To Well-Known Authors On Indian Fashion Hosting Seminars On The Various Styles And Trends Seen On The Catwalks.
Rehan’s Collection Got Special Attention Of Viewers As It Was Rich In Metallics And Shades Of Grey,Black,White And Black. The Designer’s Muse Was Celebrated B-Town Actress Sana Khan.

The Show was directed by Internationally acclaimed Choreographer and Show Director Lokesh Sharma.
Rehan Also Received Award For Best In A Category, R.C.Dalal Memorial Award, J.D Institute For His Exceptional Talent In Designing.

Designers Collections

Nikita Nayak’s Collection Dazzles Across Borders

Indian designer Nikita Nayak, Showcases her Indie fusion collection at a show in London. Nikita has a strong background of Manufacturing and Fashion Management. She always had heart in designing which is why she came up with her own label in 2016 post which she presented her collection at many shows.

Nikita’s designs were really appreciated at the show as they were in beautiful shades of purple, rose gold , pink and red . the designs  had touch of Indian yet modern silhouette’s.


Delicate ruffles and fringes was the part the ensembles. While talking about the show she said that it was amazing to be part of this show, I am still not over the response and appreciation that I received.

The show was directed by renowned Fashion choreographer Lokesh Sharma. Who was the only show director in the show as well as from India.

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Bhupendra Vijay Singh will again Storm Box Office With New Film

भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह का फिर दिखेगा जलवा

भोजपुरी फिल्मों के दबंग प्रोड्युसर भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह का जलवा जल्द ही एक बार फिर देखने  को मिलेगा।  अपनी भोजपुरी फिल्मों गदर, पाकिस्तान में जय श्रीराम तथा तीन बुड़बक के जरिये खुब चर्चा बटोरने वाले फिल्मकार भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह की फिल्म मिशन पाकिस्तान जल्द रिलीज होने वाली है और उनके द्वारा प्रस्तुत फिल्म देवरा रिक्शावाला पिछले दिनों रिलीज हुयी थी।  उनके फैन्स ये जानना चाहते हैं कि भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह की कंपनी राजपूत फिल्म फैक्ट्री द्वारा निर्मीत अगली फिल्म कौन सी होगी जिसके बाद एक फैन्स के सवाल का जवाब देते हुये भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह ने संकेत दिया कि आपकी इच्छा सोच रहा हूं पूरी कर दूंं। भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह यह भी कहते हैं कि एक दो प्रोजेक्ट मेरे पास हैं लेकिन वे कांसेप्ट लेबल पर हैं और अभी तो मैने कास्टिंग के बारे में भी नहीं सोचा है। भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह इस दिनों राजनिती में व्यस्त हैं। और उनके पोस्ट पर दिये जवाब के बाद से ग्लैमर वर्ल्ड में यह चर्चा तेज हो गयी कि भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह अपनी कंपनी राजपूत फिल्म फैक्ट्री के जरिये नयी फिल्म जल्द ही बना सकते हैं।


फिलहाल इस मुद्दे पर भुपेन्द्र जी खुल कर कुछ नहीं बोलते हैं मगर इतना जरुर कहते हैं कि थोड़ा इंतजार का मजा लिजिये। फिलहाल हम तो यही चाहेंगे कि भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह का जलवा जल्द फिर देखने को मिले। उन्हे अग्रीम बधाई तो दी ही जासकती है। आपको बतादें कि भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह की फिल्में सामाजिक सरोकार तो दर्शाती हीं है साथ ही लोगों का खुब मनोेरंजन भी करती हैं। गदर और पाकिस्तान में जयश्रीराम , ज़िद्दी आशिक़ , जान तेरे लिए, 3 बुड़बक, जान कह दा ना, विधायक जी को  दर्शकों से मिले प्यार से रोमांचित भुपेन्द्र विजय सिंह कहते हैं ये फिल्में राजपूत फिल्म फैक्ट्री की काफी महत्वपूर्ण फिल्म थीं जिसमें काफी महत्वपूर्ण चीजें बताई गई हैं, जिसे सभी को सुनना और उस पर विचार करना चाहिए। मैं बहुत आभारी हूं कि दर्शकों ने मेरी  फिल्मों को इतना प्यार किया। मेरे लिए बहुत खुशी की बात है, लेकिन उससे भी अच्छी बात यह है कि सामाजिक मुद्दों से जुड़ी मेरी फिल्में मैसेज के साथ बहुत सारे लोगों तक पहुंची।

Breaking News

Grand Release of Biography of Sandeep Marwah – A Walk In The Corridor of Eternity

Noida:  A grand function was organized to release the first book on Sandeep Marwah under the title ‘A Walk In The Corridor of Eternity’ written by a young writer Shreeya Katyal on the third day of 12th Global Film Festival Noida 2019 at Noida Film City.

“I extend my heartiest congratulations to Sandeep Marwah on the release of his first biography. He deserves this kind of grand function. He is a source of motivation for many. I wish him all the success in his forthcoming ventures,” said Arif Mohammad Khan Governor of Kerala while releasing the book.

“Though I am meeting him for the first time but I have heard enough about him. His contribution to the industry is par excellence,” said Priyadarshan a renowned film director from South. 

“Not many people from film, television and media fraternity are that lucky to have a biography written on them. Sandeep is actually been always different from the crowd,” said Rahul Rawail film director and  advisor to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

“Being written in a book, means part of the history. It is hard to believe  that single man can do so much to promote the industry,” added Muzaffar Ali a well-known producer, director writer, poet and fashion designer.

“Sandeep I know him for more than 20 years, he is a one person army. He has solution for every problem of the industry” said T.P. Agarwal Former President of FFI-Film Federation of India and President of IMPPA-Indian Motion Picture Producers Association. 


“Never ever seen such a huge event for the release of a book and so many dignities at the same time. It is Sandeep Marwah’s love and affection that we all are here at the same time,” added B.N.Tewari president of FWICE- Federation of Western India Cine Employees. 

“He has proved to the world that passion is the key to success. Sandeep    has broken all records of film education,” said Prem Chopra a veteran & popular actor of Bollywood.

“I am privileged to be here on the same stage where giants of Indian film industry are appreciating Sandeep Marwah together. I wish him all the best in life and many more books on him,” said Akhliesh Mishra Director General ICCR- Indian Council of Cultural Relations, Ministry of External Affairs Government of India.

“We all extend our best wishes and blessings to Sandeep so that he can do better than what all he has already achieved. He is a real showman,” said Shyam Shroff a known film financer.

“Success comes to those who are down to earth, and Sandeep Marwah is an another case study in the same series, we all congratulate him for his book,” expressed Vikram Ghokhale well known Marathi and Hindi cinema artist.

The book was released also in the presence of Manish Paul, Rahul Bhatt, Meera Chopra, Nilima Azim, Ranjit Kapoor,  Virendra Saxena, Rajendra Gupta,  Deepak Balraj Vij, Arun Bakshi, Raja Bundela, Brij Gopal, Deepak Kejriwal,  Amita Nangia, Nadeem Khan, Parwati khan.

 Manish Gupta, Pankaj Parashar, Usha Deshpandey, Karma Tshering of Bhutan,  H.E. Paulias Korni of Papua New Guinea, H.E. Ivan Lancari of Slovakia, H.E. Data Hidayt Abdul Hamid of Malaysia, H.E. Mohd Cengic of Bosnia Herzegovina, Tumrbek Anvabekov From the Ministry of Tourism Uzbekistan and many other dignities also witnessed the program.

 “I am so thankful to each and every one, who is present here, for their wishes and blessings,” Sandeep Marwah thanked emotionally in heavy voice

“This book is treat for every person who wishes to make a difference not only in his own life but in the lives of million others, who dares to dream and want to get the confidence and courage to achieve all the great heights,” concluded Shreeya Katyal writer of the book.

Breaking News

POK – National Documentary song is going to make history in 2020

POK नैशनल डॉक्यूमेंट्री गीत २०२० में इतिहास बनाने जा रहा है!

ऐतिहासिक राष्ट्रीय डॉक्यूमेंट्री गीत (पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर )पीओके के पहले शेड्यूल का शूटिंग मनाली और कसोल में खत्म हो चुका है ऐतिहासिक गीत में r.s.s. के संस्थापक स्वर्गीय डॉ केशव बलिराम हेडगेवार ,स्वर्गीय भूतपूर्व प्रधानमंत्री श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेई, स्वर्गीय अनमोल बिस्किट के संस्थापक श्री बैजनाथ चौधरी, स्वर्गीय सातमोला  कंपनी के संस्थापक श्री शिव शंकर मित्तल और स्वर्गीय श्रीमती गीता सिंह जैसे महान आत्मा को समर्पित किया गया है जिन्होंने अपना बहुमूल्य योगदान राष्ट्र को दिया है।

 शूटिंग  का दूसरे शेड्यूल का शूटिंग दिल्ली एनसीआर में शुरू हो चुका है इस राष्ट्रीय गीत मैं 12 राज्यों से कलाकार काम कर रहे हैं ! एवं गीत के कांसेप्ट और निर्माता-निर्देशक भारतीय सेंसर बोर्ड के मेंबर श्री विजय भारद्वाज कर रहे हैं! सह निर्माता  श्री विजय बंसल और प्रमुख समाज सेवक श्री अखिलेश चंद्र शुक्ला है 

इस गीत को 26 जनवरी को दिल्ली में देश के लिए समर्पित किया जाएगा! सन 1971 की इंडिया पाकिस्तान का जंग हुआ था पाकिस्तान ने कश्मीर के कुछ भाग को कब्जा कर रखा है पीओके की जनता के ऊपर पाकिस्तानी आर्मी से दमन किया जा रहा है और हमारे कश्मीर के सीधे-साधे जनता के ऊपर में आतंकवादी जो अत्याचार कर रहे हैं उसको बहुत बेहतर तरीके से इस गाने में दर्शाया जा रहा है जम्मू कश्मीर पीओके के जनता आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी नरेंद्र मोदी जी आदरणीय गृह मंत्री श्री अमित शाह जी के नेतृत्व में कश्मीर का जनता जीवन निर्वाह  करना चाहते हैं जिस तरह देश के कोने कोने 

में विकास की रफ्तार तेज हो चुकी है उसी तरह कश्मीर और पीओके के लोग भी अपने क्षेत्र में विकास की उम्मीद हमारे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी से कर रहे है देश के शूरवीर फौज  हर मुश्किल घड़ी में  कश्मीर के जनता के साथ खड़ी रहती है जैसे बाढ़ पीड़ितों को मदद करना, स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित, शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में  इत्यादि!  देश के हजारों हमारे शहीद फौजी भाइयों के याद में राष्ट्रीय गीत का निर्माण करने जा रहे हैं इस गीत के संगीतकार, संजय बग्गी ,अनुजा सिन्हा, जसप्रीत और बबलू है

 लेखक अरशद मौला, रिकॉर्डर मिसिंग डायरेक्टर यशुदास बीसी, मीडिया पी आर ओ वसीम सिद्धकी, कॉस्टयूम डिजाइनर  नाज चौधरी ,मेकअप आर्टिस्ट नीलम ढींगरा और कानूनी सलाहकार  एडवोकेट श्री रंजीत गिरी है


Grand Photoshoot Of The Niche Fashion Arena International Magazine With Dr Anil Nair

मुम्बई: द निष एरिना फैशन इंटरनेशनल मैगज़ीन का फोटोशूट शानिवार को गोरेगांव स्थित स्टूडियो में किआ गया, इस अवसर पर डॉ अनिल नायर, डॉ मोहिनी सायकोलॉजिस्ट, मॉडल Mokshi Mrs ब्यूटी फूल 2019, व तमाम क्रू मेम्बर मैजूद रहे ।

आपको बता दे कि द निष मैगज़ीन के लिये अमेरिका से लौटी डॉ मोहिनी ने अपना फोटोशूट करा कर चर्चा का विषय बन गई है, मोहिनी पिछले कई सालों से फैशन इंडस्ट्री से जुड़ी है,मुम्बई के प्रोफेशनल फोटोग्राफर राजेश ने फोटोशूट किआ, साथ ही डॉ अनिल नायर ने अपने सोशल मीडिया पर फोटोशूट शेयर करते ही,एक मिलियन से ज्यादा लाइक और कॉमेंट्स मिल रहे है ।


डॉ अनिल नायर बताते है कि इस फोटोशूट का मकसद है जो लोग फैशन  जगत से जुड़ना चाहते है, और इसमें ही अपना कैरियर बनाना चाहते है, उनके लिए बड़ा अवसर है, वही डॉ अनिल नायर ने अपकमिंग प्रोजेक्ट के बारे में खुलकर बात की, और क्या कुछ कहा देखिए पूरा रिपोर्ट ।

Being Tusshar Dhaliwal

Mrs India Universe 2019 Press Conference By Tushhar Dhaliwal And Archana Tomer

A grand Press Conference of “Mrs India Universe 2019” was held at ‘Ministry of Dance, on 22nd November 2019. Press Conference was organised by founder’s Tushhar Dhaliwal and Archana Tomer, where in all the winner’s were present along with distinguished guest’s like Ratandeep Lal (Fashion Celebrity & Chairman of IIFI), actor Vijay Bhatia, actor Abhir, producer Ravi Singh, Ruby Arora (Mrs Universe North West Asia 2019 & Mrs India Universe 2018), along with lots of media persons. Grand Finale was held in Mauritius, where 40 participant’s took part from various city of India.

Winner’s were Dola Shalini Bhagat as Mrs India Universe 2019 Universal (Platinum), Richa Jain as Mrs India Universe 2019 Globe (Platinum), Sonali Pradeep as Mrs India Universe 2019 Earth (Platinum), Sonalee Raj Mohanty as Mrs India Universe 2019 World (Platinum), Rajul Mishra as Mrs India Universe 2019 International (Platinum).

Our Sponsors Of The Mauritius Event

Moonmun Singh as Mrs India Universe 2019 Universal (Gold), Kanchan Solanki as Mrs India Universe 2019 Globe (Gold), Trisha B Tomer as Mrs India Universe 2019 Earth (Gold), Ranjitha Devarasu as Mrs India Universe 2019 World (Gold), Neema Rajawat as Mrs India Universe 2019 International (Gold).


मिसेज़ इंडिया यूनिवर्स २०१९, की प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस, तुषार धालीवाल एव अर्चना तोमर द्वारा सम्पन्न।

२२ नवंबर २०१९, को तुषार धालीवाल एव अर्चना तोमर ने ” मिसेज़ इंडिया यूनिवर्स २०१९” की भव्य प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस, अंधेरी स्तिथ ‘मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ डांस’ में आयोजित किया। अस्वस्थ होने के कारण अर्चना तोमर शामिल ना हो सकी, पर उनके अलावा सारे विजेता एव रतनदीप लाल (फैशन सेलिब्रिटी और IIFI के चेयरमैन), एक्टर विजय भाटिया, एक्टर अभीर, निर्माता रवि सिंह, रूबी अरोड़ा (मिसेज़ यूनिवर्स नार्थ वेस्ट एशिया २०१९ और मिसेज़ इंडिया यूनिवर्स २०१८ की विजेता) और कई मीडिया कर्मी मौजूद थे। इस प्रतियोगिता का ग्रैंड फिनाले, मॉरिशस में सम्पन्न हुआ था जिसमें हिंदुस्तान के विभिन्न शहरों से ४० सुंदरियों ने भाग लिया था।

मिसेज़ इंडिया यूनिवर्स २०१९ के प्लैटिनम कैटेगरी के विजेता थे, डोला शालिनी भगत (यूनिवर्सल), ऋचा जैन (ग्लोब), सोनाली प्रदीप (अर्थ), सोनाली राज मोहन्ती (वर्ल्ड) एवं राजुल मिश्रा (इंटरनेशनल)।

मिसेज़ इंडिया यूनिवर्स २०१९ के गोल्ड कैटेगरी के विजेता थे, मुनमुन सिंह (यूनिवर्सल), कंचन सोलंकी (ग्लोब), त्रिशा बी तोमर (अर्थ), रंजीता देवरसु (वर्ल्ड) एवं नीमा राजावत (इंटरनेशनल)।

Bhojpuri News

Manoj R Pandey’s Film Devra Superstar First Look Released On Social Media

मनोज आर पांडे की फिल्म देवरा सुपरस्टार का फस्ट लुक जारी

भोजपुरी फिल्मों के एक्शन सम्राट मनोज आर पांडे अपनी हाजि‍र जवाबी के लिए मशहूर हैं। ट्रोलर्स हों चाहे सेलिब्रिटी मनोज पांडे कभी भी किसी को जवाब देने से पीछे नहीं हटते। उनकी एक नयी फिल्म का पोस्टर पिछले दिनों रिलीज हुआ जो सोशल मीडिया में खुब चर्चा का विषय बना है। इस पोस्टर पर आरहे कमेंट पर मनोज आर पांडे अपने प्रशसकों को जबाब भी खुद दे रहे हैं।

इस फिल्म का नाम है देवरा सुपरस्टार जिसका निर्माण प्रेमचंद साहू फिल्म प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले किया गया है।  देवरा सुपरस्टार फिल्म को अगले साल 2020 में रिलीज किया जायेगा लेकिन,फिल्म के चर्चे अभी ही जोरों पर हैं। कारण फिल्म का आकर्षक पोस्टर सोशल मीडिया में शेयर किया गया हैं। जिसके बाद से ही फिल्म के बारें में लोग बातें करने लगे है। पोस्टर में फिल्म के नायक मनोज आर पांडेय नायिका के होठों को काटते नजर आ रहे हैं। वहीं अकेले मोटर साईकल पर भी सवार हैं। इसी दृश्य को लेकर पोस्टर के चर्चे हो रहे हैं। फिल्म के निर्देशक अनिल एस मेहता ने फिल्म से जुड़ी कई जानकारियां दी। उन्होंने कहा कि भोजपुरी फिल्म देवरा सुपरस्टार एक फैमिली ड्रामा मूवी हैं जो देवर और भाभी के रिश्तों पर आधारित हैं। समाज में देवर और भाभी के रिश्तों को लेकर के दो बातें की जाती हैं। पहला कोई देवर अपनी भाभी को माँ का दर्जा देता हैं तो कोई देवर अपनी भाभी के साथ हँसी मजाक करता हैं। ऐसी ही कहानी को लेकर देवरा सुपरस्टार का निर्माण किया गया हैं।  जिसमें देवर भाभी के सकारात्मक रिश्तें को फिल्माया गया हैं।

फिल्म में भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री के एक्शन सम्राट मनोज आर पाण्डेय ने देवर का किरदार निभाया हैंजबकि,बड़े भाई के रूप में अभिनेता व निमार्ता प्रेमचंद साहू पर्दे पर नजर आयेंगे।अभिनेत्री पलक सिंह ने भाभी के किरदार में दिखेंगी। फिल्म की नायिका हैं एश्वर्या झा और नीतू मौर्या। भोजपुरी फिल्मों में पहली बार प्रतिभा पाण्डेय का आइटम डांस देखने को मिलेगा। मुख्य खलनायक की भूमिका में दिवाकर तिवारी नजर आने वाले हैं।फिल्म की पूरी शूटिंग झारखण्ड में  की गयी हैं । इस फिल्म को लेकर अनिल एस मेहता ने बताया कि इस फिल्म को भारत के कई राज्यों में रीलिज की जायेगी।फिल्म के निमार्ता प्रेमचंद साहू, निर्देशक अनिल एस मेहता,कैमरामैन शंकर शर्मा,लेखक प्रेम,संगीतकार रवि तिवारी और आनंद मिश्रा व फाइट मास्टर मंगल फौजी हैं। फिल्म के डांस डायरेक्टर संजय चौधरी व अशोक हैं। इस फिल्म को बिहार बंगाल कलकत्ता नेपाल मुम्बई गुजरात पंजाब यूपी दिल्ली सहित कई राज्यों में रिलीज की जायेगी। अनिल एस मेहता ने यह भी कहा कि यह फिल्म साल की सबसे बड़ी म्यूजिकल हिट फिल्म साबित होगी।क्योंकि,इस फिल्म का म्यूजिक बहुत ही जबरदस्त हैं। इस फिल्म को लेकर मनोज आर पांडे कहते हैं यह फिल्म दुसरी फिल्मों से काफी हटकर है और लोगों का खुब मनोरंजन करेगी

Latest News

Queen of Mashups World DJane Championship to be held on 27th Nov 2019

# DJ Natalia Moon all set to defend her title at 4th World DJane Championship, powered by SoS Nitelife : Synergy of Services Nitelife Private Limited

#15 DJanes across the globe to compete for the prestigious title

After witnessing tremendous success, SoS Nitelife is all set to host the fourth edition of ‘Queen of Mashups’ World Djane Championship on November 27.

The gala event which will see participation from Djanes from across the globe and compete for the coveted global title at Dragonfly Experience, The Orb, Sahar, Mumbai.

Following are the 15 female djanes who will be participating in the competition: DJ Natalia Moon (Australia), DJ Linda Erfolg (Germany), DJ Neit Kaur (India), DJ Cynthia Lacle (Netherlands), DJ Charly Smith (Netherlands), DJ Dicca Higgs (Poland), DJ Jericha (Philippines), DJ Olesya Blondz (Russia), DJ Leya (Spain), DJ Farah Farz (Singapore), DJ Cathrin (Thailand), DJ Blondie (USA), DJ Lisa (Ukraine), DJ Djoly (Ukraine).

These 15 female djanes from different corners of the globe will showcase their skills in the contest in a bid to win the contest.

The defending champion DJ Natalia Moon from Australia will be participating in the global spectacle with an aim to defend her title and become ‘Queen of Mashups’ World Djane Champion for the second consecutive time. DJ Natalia Moon from Australia was crowned champions in the mega contest in 2018.

“It was wonderful performing at the ‘Queen of Mashups’ World Djane Championship 2018 and the prestigious title was the icing on the cake last year.  I am all excited about performing in front of the huge and learned audiences in India and looking forward to defending my title for the next championship,” said DJ Natalia Moon.

These talented young ladies will be judged by a jury comprising DJ Suketu, DJ Notorious and DJ Nasha.

The audiences will get to witness a star-studded musical competition apart from grooving to the hits of popular chartbusters.

Mr Chand Seth,  Founder and Managing Director of SOS Nitelife

Lina Ingle, Co -Founder and  Director of SOS Nitelife

Mr Chand Seth, the Founder and Managing Director of SOS Nitelife: Synergy of Services Nitelife Private Limited is equally excited about the fourth edition of ‘Queen of Mashups’ World Djane Championship 2019.

“We were extremely satisfied with the success and the rave reviews we have been receiving for our flagship contest i.e. Queen of Mashups. The positive response from the contestants as well as from the audiences motivated us to organise the fourth edition. Our aim is to provide the platform for the Djanes where they can showcase their skills,” says Seth, who has a cult experience of 18 years plus in conducting events and promotion.


Ms Lina Ingle, Co-Founder / Director SOSNitelife said, “The Queen of Mashups World Djane  Championship has been a huge hit amongst the audiences as they gather in big numbers to enjoy the evening and groove to the tunes of the female Djanes. And that has been the driving force for us to organise the fourth edition . Our aim is to make this contest bigger and better with every passing year. I wish all the very best of luck to these talented participants.”

Ms Ingle is a confident exhibitor of hard work and persistence and she conducts the events with her team to deliver peak performance. This is why clients always speak highly of “SOS Nitelife :   Synergy of Services Nitelife Private Limited  ” for the premium services they get.

Last year, the crowds were spellbound by the tunes of popular dance numbers played by the talented ladies behind the music consoles. All the invited guests were in awe of SOS Nitelife’s arrangements and hospitality.

Breaking News

ABP News Celebrates 15 Sizzling Years Of Sansani

Status quo of being the country’s longest-running crime show

New Delhi, November 22, 2019: Unmasking criminals and uncovering the different facets of crime, ‘Sansani’, India’s noteworthy crime news show completes 15 successful years on ABP News.
Known for its uniqueness, Sansani is a first-of-its-kind crime news show, innovated and curated by ABP News. The journey of the show has been remarkable and has garnered tremendous popularity in the industry.

Since its inception in 2004, Sansani has held a special place in the hearts and minds of its viewers. The show deals with exposing criminals, making viewers aware of the current crime scenario, and also providing solutions on how to deal and cope with the rising crime in the country.  Apart from being the first of its kind, Sansani was also the first crime show to have deployed a helpline for the common people and engage with the viewers conversationally.

Having completed 5000 episodes, Sansani’s showrunner, Mr. Shrivardhan Trivedi has become the first anchor in the history of Indian television to host the longest running crime show for which he was felicitated by the World Book of Records. Over the years, the show has received tremendous appreciation from its viewers and has been highly acclaimed by industry critiques and celebrities alike.

Speaking on the success of Sansani, Mr. Avinash Pandey, CEO, ABP New Network said, “Amidst a wide variety of content in the market, having a long-standing show in the crime segment is a huge milestone for us. We believe in keeping our viewer aware and Sansani is one such show which sensitises mass about crime. Having maintained the consistency for 15 years, is a huge indicator of the unique calibre of the show. Sansani has amassed a great amount of love and support from its viewers, to whom we are forever grateful.” 

About Sansani

Back in 2004, ABP News conceptualized a news program named Sansani to address the plight of growing crime in India. With a highly-acclaimed slogan, “Chain se Sona hai to Jaag Jao”, the idea of Sansani was to showcase real stories behind the screen, to generate awareness and guide people towards leading a safer life. The programme has maintained its leadership since the last 15 years.

About ABP News Network

As a News Media company, ABP News Network Pvt Ltd (ANN) has its presence in Television and Digital Media in multiple Indian languages and prominent footprints in India and abroad. ANN’s core purpose is to create an Informed and Happy Society. ANN is a group company of ABP, which was incorporated nearly 90 years ago and continues being one of India’s largest media conglomerates.

Bhojpuri News

Ritesh Pandey – Pravesh Lal Yadav’s Bhojpuri film Sarfarosh Starts Shooting

रितेश पाण्डेय, प्रवेश लाल यादव की भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘सरफ़रोश’ की शूटिंग स्टार्ट।

भोजपुरी में भी अब लीक से हटकर फिल्में बनने लगी हैं वरना इस भाषा की अधिकतर फिल्मों में वही एक्शन, मारपीट, दस 12 गाने, बोल्ड दृश्य देखने को मिलते हैं मगर बिहार के रहने वाली महिला प्रोड्यूसर शुभा सिंह मुबारकबाद की हकदार  हैं जिन्होंने भोजपुरी में देशभक्ति के जज्बे से भरी फिल्म “सरफरोश” बनाने की हिम्मत जुटाई है उन्होंने इस फिल्म को देश के लिए समर्पित किया है.

इस भोजपुरी फिल्म की शूटिंग सोनभद्र यूपी में जोर शोर से हो रही है.  आयुषी सिने एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बन रही इस फिल्म की निर्माता शुभा सिंह, निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर, लेखक अरविंद तिवारी हैं जबकि इस फिल्म में रितेश पाण्डेय, प्रवेश लाल यादव यामिनी सिंह ,दीपक भाटिया,नीरज शर्मा इत्यादि। नजर आयेंगे.  फिल्म का संगीत ओम झा ने दिया है.वंही गीतकार कवि प्यारे लाल  ,सुमित सिंह चंद्रवंशी है।

सरफरोश फिल्म के नाम से ही पता चलता है कि इस फिल्म में देश और देशभक्ति की बातें होंगी. इस फिल्म में बेहद खतरनाक स्टंट देखने को मिलेंगे. भोजपुरी फिल्म की ऑडियंस के लिए यह फिल्म एक अलग अनुभव होगा. फिल्म की निर्माता शुभा सिंह का कहना है कि इस फिल्म का म्यूज़िक भी इसका प्लस पॉइंट होगा जिसमे कुछ अच्छे गाने सुनने और देखने को मिलेंगे.

देशभक्ति के जज्बे से ओतप्रोत इस फिल्म की खासियत यह है की  फिल्म में रितेश पाण्डेय, प्रवेश लाल यादव की आवाज़ में भी एक देशभक्ति गीत सुनने को मिलेगा। ‘सरफ़रोश’ शब्द सुनते ही आपके दिल में सरफरोशी की तमन्ना जाग जाती है और देश के लिए कुछ करने की भावना पैदा होती है. इसलिए इस फिल्म को लेकर भोजपुरिया दर्शकों में अभी से उत्सुकता जगी हुई है। फिल्म की पूरी टीम इस प्रोजेक्ट को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित है

Latest Films

Abbas-Mustan Shakti Kapoor And Others Attend The Music Launch Of XRay – The Inner Image

Rahul Sharma can’t seem to be able to contain his excitement! While the music of his debut film XRay The Inner Image just got launched, even the fact that it was a big hit and he got blessings by the stalwart of Hindi cinema is what’s making him be over the moon.
“I can’t thank god enough. So many things are happening at the same time and finally all the wait and hardwork is leading to fruition. I cannot thank my stars enough because this is exactly what I yearned for and am finally achieving it!,” says Rahul all excitedly.
The launch of the music of Rajiv Ruia directed XRay The Inner Image was held recently and the grand event was attended by the blockbuster filmmaker duo Abbas Mustan along with Shakti Kapoor. The two seemed so impressed by the newcomer Rahul that they kept praising him. “I feel so deeply humbled by the way the biggest of Bollywood legends spoke to me and blessed me for my foray in this industry!” says Sharma.

The event also saw a scintillating performance by Evelyn Sharma and rahul Sharma on the dance number Jigliya which has already been declared a hit with over a million views on Youtube in just 3 days! Along with Evelyn was also the singer Swati Sharma who has given her voice to the song, performing live. Raaj Ashoo has composed the music for this song which is written by Shabbir Ahmed.
Releasing on 29th of November, XRay produced by Pradeep K Sharma of Baba Motion Pictures has already started gaining the promotions momentum and one can only wait for its release!

Bhojpuri News

Musical Muhurat of the film Gangs of Bihar at Lata Mangeshkar Studio

लता मंगेशकर स्टूडियो में फिल्म “गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार” का म्यूजिकल मुहूर्त

क्राइम की दुनिया के बीच पनपते प्रेम की रोमांचक गाथा है फ़िल्म “गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार”

बिहार में गैंग्स और क्राइम वर्ल्ड का सच दिखाती मूवी में मुकेश तिवारी, अखिलेंद्र मिश्रा जैसे एक्टर्स दिखेंगे

बिहार देश का ऐसा राज्य रहा है जिसकी चर्चा वहां मौजूद बाहुबलियों और गैंग्स को लेकर अधिक होती रहती है. क्राइम की दुनिया के कई नाम ऐसे रहे हैं जिनके जिक्र भर से वहां के लोग सहम जाते थे। अपराध की दुनिया और राजनीति में ऊंचे रसूख रखने वाले भी यहाँ सुर्ख़ियों मे रहते हैं. वहां के ऐसे गैंग्स सदा पुलिस और सरकार के लिए चैलेन्ज रहे हैं। ऐसे ही गैंग्स और क्राइम वर्ल्ड के अन्धकार भरे माहौल को अब बड़े परदे पर पेश करने जा रहे हैं लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज अपनी अपकमिंग फिल्म “गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार” के जरिये. दिलचस्प बात यह है कि इस फिल्म से जुड़े कई लोगों का सम्बन्ध बिहार राज्य से है इसी लिए इस फिल्म से उम्मीद है कि यह एक रीयलिस्टिक सिनेमा बनेगा.

“गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार ” के निर्देशक कुमार नीरज बिहार के वैशाली जिला के हैं, वैशाली बेहद प्राचीन शहर है, जिसका महात्मा बुद्ध से निकट का सम्बंध रहा है। वहीँ इस फिल्म के संगीतकार अफ़रोज़ खान का ताल्लुक बिहार के जहानाबाद जिला से है और साथ ही बिहार के प्रमुख पत्रकार श्रीकांत प्रतुश भी इस फिल्म में एक अहम किरदार निभा रहे हैं.


पिछले दिनों मुंबई स्थित लता मंगेश्कर स्टूडियो में इस फिल्म ” गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार का म्यूज़िकल मुहूर्त किया गया। संगीतकार अफ़रोज़ खान ने ‘हम दिल दे चुके सनम’ फेम सिंगर मोहम्मद सलामत  की आवाज में एक गीत रिकॉर्ड किया। निर्माता मोहम्मद शफीक सैफी ,लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की यह फिल्म ए ए ए एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनाई जा रही है। इस फिल्म में मुकेश तिवारी, अखिलेंद्र मिश्रा, राजवीर सिंह, नाज़नीन पटनी, श्रीकांत प्रतुश,अंजलि अग्रवाल, मृत्युंजय कुशवाहा, धनञ्जय सिंह, सुप्रिया,रचना सोनी और नवनीत कुमार नजर आयेंगे। इस फिल्म की कहानी एक तरफ क्राइम से सुलगते बिहार की है तो दूसरी तरफ उसी  बिहार राज्य में मोहब्ब्त की आगोश में झूम रहे दो प्रेमियों की है। फिल्म की कहानी में काफी टर्न और ट्विस्ट हैं जो दर्शको को दिलचस्प लगेगा। क्राइम, बदला, राजनीति, दहशत के साए में पनपते प्यार की एक रोमांचक गाथा दर्शकों के लिए किसी सुनहरे उपहार से कम नहीं होगी. उलेखनीय है कि निर्देशक कुमार नीरज टीवी धारावाहिकों में बतौर डायरेक्टर काफी काम कर चुके हैं और इस फिल्म को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित हैं। जबकि प्रचार प्रसार पब्लिश मीडिया टीम कर रही है।


23 Northeast Unsung Heroes Awarded in the Presence of Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra at Mumbai

1st  Northeast Unsung Heroes Red Carpet social award 2019 was held in Mumbai .

This event was Hosted By FIND STUDIOZ in association  with SEIL . Mumbai  witnessed the biggest extravaganza of this year where around 23 Unsung Heroes of 8 states of North East India were recognized for their silent contribution to the society in the presence of  Shri. Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra .

Founder Rebecca Changkija Sema and Co-Founder Shiraz Henry Started the journey in Nagaland,  followed by Sikkim in 2018 . “Journey from Nagaland,  Sikkim to Mumbai is not one man army show. Everybody  has contributed to make this event a fabulous success. 2018 April I had  announced in Sikkim to host this Program in Mumbai without any Plan. But  I knew God would guide us. I thank our almighty God for making this event successful. Irrespective of  Different  backgrounds, we are one here  to Celebrate the Mighty People, not all  Heroes wear Caps.  We are from the mountains and  beyond the mountains we dare to dream.”

The EVENT  Aims to  uplift the Northeast  Region by creating a positive eco system for its people .


  • CRITERIA FOR NOMINATION : Art and Culture, LITERATURE , Entrepreneur, Social and Entertainment

Mumbai is like a home and this place has given me many good things in Life ,  we are overwhelmed with love and support in Maharashtra.

We are thankful to Shri. Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Hon’ble Governor of  Maharashtra  whose  presence has really boosted  our  confidence and energy  including  dinner at Raj Bhavan Mumbai for all the Awardees and organizing  team .

Co-organizer were  Mrs Sujata Pradhan , Mr. Pavi R. Shakya, Mrs. Jutika Mahanta, Ms. Ashibo Chishi Swu  and Ms. Ankita tiwari. This is a humble effort towards national integration and encouragement to the silent talents of North East. Mumbai will certainly encourage them further to keep doing the good work in future and encourage thousand others to opt for the same route.

UFO has given 70 Theaters PAN India to promote this event, the first of its kind so far from North East India.

Mumbai Dabbawala also supported this noble cause  and encouraged the Youth from North East India .

Latest Films

MUDDA 370 J&K MOTION POSTER Released On Social Media

MUDDA 370 J & K IS A FILM BASED ON THE REAL STORY OF BURNING KASHMIR. IN THE YEAR 1990, WHEN AN ESTIMATED POPULATION OF AROUND 0.7 MILLION HINDU KASHMIRIS WERE FORCIBLY UPROOTED FROM THEIR HOMELAND BY THE MUSLIM FANATICS OF KASHMIR IN CONNIVANCE WITH PAKISTAN ARMY. Subharti Films Media Ltd & Jayas Films presents movie (MUDDA 370 J&K)   Produced by Mr ATUL KULKARNI & Co. Produced by BHANWAR SINGH PUNDEER. A film by RAKESH SAWANT Shooting completed of Subharti Films Media Pvt. Ltd & Jayas Films produced by Ms. Avani Kamal (MUDDA 370 J&K)   Produced by Ms. Avani Kamal, Managed & Co. Produced by Bhanwar Singh Pundir. A film by Rakesh Sawant .



Mr / Miss / Mrs Enigma International 2019 Held In Pattaya

Deepak Chaturvedi Enigma Event Management Co has successfully completed his one more Grand Fashion show Contest title “ENIGMA MR / MISS / MRS INDIA INTERNATIONAL 2019 AT MUMBAI MAGIC CLUB PATTAYA ( BANGKOK)  ON 18TH Nov 2019.

The Fashion show consisted of two days where in the first day was the grooming sessions of all the models for the Swimming Costume round and the second day was the Grand Finals.

All the Models performed well at the ramp walk and are waiting for the Upcoming shows to come.

The event was successfully completed in Thailand, All the models who has participated in this event and won the beauty pageant and Grab the International Title of Enigma Mr Miss Mrs India will soon get a new opportunity .

Congratulations to all the winners from different Categories Mr Miss Mrs 

The Team Members at the Event were :

Jury Member : Bollywood Celebrity : Mrs Alisha Khan / Mr Pradeep Pali / Mr Jaideep / Miss Navneet

Guest of Honor : Mr Anup Sharma / Mrs Runa Sharma / Mr Ajan Akash Baruah / Mr Sirajuddin

Makeup Artist : Mrs Preeti Haral

Fashion Choreographer : Mr Mayur Da

Dress Designer : Miss Ananya Gupta / Mr Akarshan Tyagi / Mr Saheb Alam

Media Partner : Fame Media – Mr Wasin Siddiqui

Magazine Partner : OYOBUZZ Magazine

Event Presenter : Enigma Event Management Co

Event Partner : SA Group

Event Director : Mr Deepak Chaturvedi

It was great wind up to the Fashion Show held in Pattaya!


*’मिस्टर-मिस-मिसेज एनिग्मा इंटरनेशनल 2019′ पटाया के मुम्बई मैजिक क्लब में आयोजित* 

बैंकॉक के पटाया शहर में स्थित मुम्बई मैजिक क्लब में एनिग्मा इवेंट मैनेजमेंट कम्पनी के संचालक दीपक चतुर्वेदी ने ‘एनिग्मा मिस्टर-मिस-मिसेज इंडिया इंटरनेशनल 2019’ सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिता का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन 18 नवम्बर को किया है।


यह फैशन शो दो दिन तक चला जहां पहले दिन में स्विमिंग कॉस्टयूम राउंड के लिए सभी मॉडलों के ग्रूमिंग सेशन हुए थे और दूसरे दिन ग्रैंड फाइनल सम्पन्न हुआ। सभी मॉडल्स ने रैंप वॉक में शानदार प्रदर्शन किया और अब उन्हें आने वाले शो का इंतजार है।

इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन थाईलैंड में सफलतापूर्वक पूरा किया गया। विभिन्न श्रेणियों में उत्तम प्रदर्शन करने वाली एनिग्मा मिस्टर मिस मिसेज की सभी विजेताएं बधाई की पात्र बनीं।

इवेंट के सफल आयोजन में टीम के जूरी सदस्य बॉलीवुड सेलिब्रिटी अलीशा खान, प्रदीप पाली, जयदीप और नवनीत, गेस्ट ऑफ ऑनर अनूप शर्मा, श्रीमती रूना शर्मा, अजान आकाश बरुआ और सिराजुद्दीन, मेकअप कलाकार प्रीति हरलाल,

फैशन कोरियोग्राफर मयूर दा, ड्रेस डिज़ाइनर अनन्या गुप्ता,  आकाश त्यागी और साहब आलम, मीडिया पार्टनर फेम मीडिया के संचालक वसीम सिद्दीकी, पत्रिका पार्टनर ओयो बज पत्रिका, इवेंट पार्टनर एस ए ग्रुप और इवेंट के डायरेक्टर दीपक चतुर्वेदी ने महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई।

Latest News

Sahil Sultanpuri The Name Behind Beautiful Lyrics Of Akhiyaan Milavanga

Mr. Sahil Sultanpuri is known name when it comes to lyrics. Hailing from District Sultanpur (Uttar Pradesh ), he is a poet / lyrics writer in Indian Hindi Cinema (Bollywood), He is known for his Lyrical work in Films Like Saat Uchakkey,Gangor, Kudiyon Ka Hai Zamaana, Kaali Ki Saugandh ,Yeh Sunday Kyun Aata hai, Maai (Love Your Mother) as a lyricist in the Hindi Bollywood film industry. He is one of the well known musical forces in Indian cinema. Recently he also did a song for Marathi movie called Whatsapp Love. He has films such as Saat Uchakkey,Gangor, Kudiyon Ka Hai Zamaana to his kitty. Now the recent addition is COMANDO 3.

If asked few years he never particularly aimed to write songs for Bollywood movies. Nevertheless, he managed to give several hit numbers. Sahil even before he arrived in the Mumbai he was busy in Kavi Sammelans and Mushayras at the same time he learned Pakhwaj from His father who was a good pakhawaj player in district and was part of Sufi Musical group. 1994 is when he finally decided to come to Mumbai and he started to travel back and forth from Sultanpur to Mumbai until in 1998 post which he moved to Mumbai permanently.

Sahil Sultanpuri started his career in Bombay as a film dialogue writer and as a Lyricist in same Movie with New Film Banner.He has done more than 250 songs for Bollywood films and Albums. He has worked for Bollywood’s some top Music Composers like Ismail Darbar,Iqbal Darbar,Akshay Hariharan, Rashid Khan,Padamshree Kumar Sanu, Sneha khanwalkar, Nitin Shankar,Baapi Tutul,Niranjan Saket, Mahesh Denipitiya (Sri Lanka) Babu Kishan and many more..


Along with singers such as legendary singer Asha Bhosle, Kumar Sanu,Hari Haran, Sunidhi Chouhan, Shaan, Sadhna Sargam, Poornima,Shreya Ghosal, Abhijit Bhattacharya, Udit Narayan, Sudesh Bhosle, Mohd.Aziz, Suresh Wadekar,Alka yagnik, Vinod Rathod, Anwar, jaspinder Narula, Anuradha Paudwal, Payal Dev, Anweshaa Dattogupta, Amit Kumar, Javed Ali, Suraj Jagan, Aman Trikha, Mod.Irfaan,Indar Kanhaai (Trinidad) Bathiya and Santush (Sri lanka),Shalmali Kholgade,Pratibha Singh Baghel, and many others… He has movies such as Kaali Ki Saugandh, Kudiyon Ka Hai Zamaana, Gangor, Mai, Patna Se Pakistan, Saat Uchakkey, Mall Road Dilli, De Ijaazat, Yeh Sunday Kyun Aata Hai, Whatsapp Love, Terror Strike-Beyond Boundaries.

His big-ticket was grabbing an album with T series for  World cup Cricket 1999 in june which was Named “Jeetenge Hum Hindustani” wits big hit in Music and cricket world. His recent one from Commando 3 is topping charts.

Leo News

Unfriends Is An Eye-Opener-Mousumi Biswas

Hindi Movie Unfriends Trailer launch
The upcoming film Unfriends trailer had been launched  at Linekrraft,Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai.The celebrity guests who made the event more graceful with their presence were Ejaz Khan,Sunil Pal,Ali Khan,Javed Hyder,Mustak Khan,Abhishek Khana (Fame of Bharat movie),Sufiyan Kapadia,Rohit Pyare,(comedian) and Ahsaan Khan.
The film is produced by Mousumi Biswas and co-produced by Ibrahim Sheikh under the banner of Riangsh Entertainment World and directed by Ashfaque Shaikh.The star cast of the film are Sahil Aktar Khan,Mousami Biswas,Rajat Rawail Nafe Khan, Himayat Ali,Ayan Khan and Prashant Poojari.
Unfriends is a film based on the all time serious crime i.e. cyber crime and social media harassment.
Unfriends revolves around a girl who is befriended by an unknown person of a violent character. How a boy  helps her to  get through her fight against cyber crime and rape. How they both survive through calamities created by a politically powerful people who control the justice system and survive to come triumphant over the law system. In a world filled with Social Crimes and Cyber Crimes, there stands a guy who tries to bring stability in the current unstable world.

A guy named Veer got a friend request from a stranger named Vijay on Facebook.Veer was struggling with his startup seed money as Veer shared his startup story with him,Vijay invests in his startupTo celebrate this deal both had gone for a long drive to Lonavala where they met a girl Mauli who was carefree and bold.All of a sudden on their way,Vijay losses his temper and rapes Mauli.Veer tries to save Maulifrom getting killed and escapes from there.Vijay was the son of a powerful minister as the case got linked politically,Veer who was trying to save Mauli from all the humiliation had to give up his career for her justice.The story is all about, how a social network can be dangerous and the mentality of our society who doesn’t want to accept a rape victim rather than feeling sorry for her. If there are more people like “Veer” who forgets the past of girl and looks for her heart, there will be no so called rape Victims in this world.
On the trailer lauch Mousami Biswas quoted she is really excited for this film.The story  is really an eye-opener.It shows everything has two sides and we always have to consider both the sides.The humiliation faced by the raped victims in our society needs to stop now.It is not the fault for the victim to get raped. The culprits needs to get behind the bars and the laws had to get strict. Being a responsible citizen it ours duty to change the perception of the society towards the rape victim.
Unfriends is all set to release on 13th December 2019.

Exclusive News

Paglu Trailer Being Appreciated By People Very Much

फ़िल्म ‘पगलु’ के ट्रेलर को खूब पसंद कर रहे है लोग।

भोजपुरी फिल्मों में अब तक आपने कई अलग प्रकार की कहानी और नए नए तरह के एक्शन देखे होंगे.लेकिन बहुत जल्द दर्शकों के बीच एक ऐसी अनोखी फ़िल्म आ रही है जिसमे फ़िल्म के एक्टर मंतोश कुमार के स्टंट और अभिनय के आप कायल हो जाएंगे.जी हां हम बात कर रहे है फ़िल्म ‘ पगलु’  का जिसका ट्रेलर लॉन्च होते ही दर्शकों के दिलों पर राज कर रहा है। ‘पगलु’ माँ एटरटेनमेंट म्यूजिक द्वारा रीलीज किया गया है। माँ एटरटेनमेंट के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री राजेश राजा गुप्ता का कहना है कि जो कॉमेंट आ रहा है उसे साबित हो रहा है कि पब्लिक को साफ सुथरी फ़िल्मे पसंद आ रही है ।

पगलु ‘ इस फ़िल्म में दमदार एक्शन देखने को मिलेगा जिसे फ़िल्म के हीरो ने खुद ही किया है.मार्शल आर्ट में अपनी एक खास पहचान बना चुके हीरो के लिए यह फ़िल्म काफी महत्वपूर्ण है.इस फ़िल्म की अदाकारा अरुणा  गिरी की यह पहली भोजपुरी फ़िल्म है.बात करे मंतोश की तो इस फ़िल्म में की शूटिंग के दौरान लोगो ने जब मंतोश को एक्शन करते हुए देखा तो लोगो ने उन्हें एक्शन हीरो का खिताब दे दिया है.सामाजिक बिषयों पर आधारित यह फ़िल्म जल्द दर्शको के बीच आएगी.


इन फ़िल्म के निर्माता रामकृपाल सिंह और चंदन भंसाली है.फ़िल्म के निर्देशक संतोष राणा है.जबकि फ़िल्म के प्रचारक अखिलेश सिंह है।फ़िल्म के एक्सक्यूटिव प्रोड्यूसर प्रमोद राणा है.फ़िल्म के कलाकारों में देव सिंह,अनूप अरोरा,वैभव रॉय,अर्जुन यादव शामिल है.

Breaking News

Director B S Ali’s Film Maya Ka Badla will be a film inspired by true events

सच्ची घटनाओं से प्रेरित फिल्म होगी निर्देशक बी एस अली की फिल्म “माया का बदला”

बॉलीवुड में इन दिनों रियलिस्टिक सिनेमा का दौर है जहां सच्ची घटनाओं से प्रेरित होकर फिल्मे बनाई जा रही है। अब इसी तरह की एक रियल घटना से इंस्पायर्ड फिल्म बनने जा रही है जिसका नाम है “माया का बदला”। निर्माता निर्देशक बी एस अली की इस फिल्म का भव्य मुहूर्त पिछले दिनों मुंबई में किया गया जहां फिल्म से जुड़ी पूरी टीम मौजूद थी। ग्रीन वर्ल्ड मीडिया प्रोडकशन के बैनर तले बनने जा रही इस फिल्म को लेकर बी एस अली बेहद उत्साहित हैं। यहां मीडिया से बात करते हुए बी एस अली ने कहा कि इस सस्पेंस थ्रिलर फिल्म की शूटिंग मुंबई में होगी जिसकी शूटिंग दिसम्बर के अंतिम सप्ताह से शुरू होगी और फिल्म को २०२० में रिलीज़ करने का प्लान है।

उन्होंने यहां संवाददाताओं से बात करते हुए कहा की माया का बदला हॉस्टल की कहानी पर बेस्ड है। यहां एक लड़की का मर्डर हो जाता है जिस रूम में कई और लड़कियां भी रहती हैं। इस लड़की की हत्या के बाद राज़ का खेल शुरू होता है। फिल्म दर्शको को बांध कर रखेगी और उन्हें कुछ सोचने पर भी मजबुर करेगी।

इससे पहले फिल्म “लव स्टोरी” प्रोड्युस कर चुके निर्माता निर्देशक बी एस अली ने कहा कि सस्पेंस थ्रिलर होने के बावजूद फिल्म में म्यूज़िक का भी बड़ा स्कोप है और फिल्म में 6 सिचुएशनल गाने हैं जो कहानी को आगे बढ़ाते हैं। फिल्म का संगीत जितेंद्र विश्वकर्मा ने दिया है जबकि एक गीत रिकॉर्ड हो चुका है।

निर्माता निर्देशक बी एस अली ने यहां आगे बताया कि यह फिल्म एक रियल घटना से प्रेरित है। हॉस्टल और बोर्डिंग स्कूलों के सन्दर्भ में कई तरह की खबरें आती रहती हैं मैंने उन्ही सच्ची घटनाओं को आधार बनाकर इसे बनाया है।

फिल्म के लिए कुछ कलाकारों का सिलेक्शन हुआ है जबकि कुछ और आर्टिस्ट का चुनाव बाकी है।

Breaking News

Pranab Mukherjee Appreciated The Biography of Sandeep Marwah

New Delhi: “I am feeling great and obliged by giving first copy of my biography, “A Walk Into The Corridor of Eternity” book written by Sheerya Katyal to His Excellency Bharat Ratna Dr. Pranab Mukherjee, the former President of India,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor AAFT University while handing over the book. 

“I am happy to receive this beautiful well-presented book on Sandeep Marwah  and his journey in media.Let this book be a motivation for many. I wish him all the success in his endeavor,” blessed Dr. Pranab Mukherjee.

Dr. Pranab Mukherjee appreciated the efforts of Sandeep Marwah in media and entertainment industry and his expertise in media education. He was more than happy to note that Dr. Marwah has done well in this industry and created some wonderful records for himself.


The formal release of book has been planned separately as a public function informed Marwah. Dr. Sandeep Marwah has been in films, television and media for 40 years. Five times Doctorate, Seven times World Record holder, recipient of seven hundred awards, interacting with 145 countries of the World, associated with five thousand events, teacher to twenty thousand media professionals and chairing hundred national and international organizations, Marwah has been a well recognized name in the media industry.

Latest Films

Incredible India Film To Be Released On 21 February 2020

Hindi film “Incredible India” producer Raj Singh Rajput, Renuka Singh Rajput, director Raj Singh Rajput, made under the RR banner, informed that the film will be released simultaneously in 13 languages ​​with World Wide on February 21.  Let me tell you that for the first time in the Bollywood film industry, a film is being released in 13 languages, which is an unforgettable initiative in Bollywood.  Incredible India, the film’s music and trailer will be released on January 7.  The producer and director told that 25% of the earnings of this film will be given to the families of the brave soldiers who are martyred and in need.  Director Raj Singh Rajput said that the film is full of entertainment around patriotism with horror, comedy, suspense and action thriller, the story intercepts;  The film depicts the fight of a gang of spirits from two countries.  There is also an aspect in the story of the film, which humans could not do while living, they try to ruin Hindustan after death, but Hindustan is a country adopting the notion of “Basudhaiva Kutumbakam”, then how possible?  Maybe evil spirits can spoil some of India?  To know more, see Incredible India Hindi film.


Producer Raj Singh Rajput, Renuka Singh Rajput Director Raj Singh Rajput, Story Screenplay and Dialogue Mohammed Ateek Lyrics Mohammad Ateek Music Ashif Chandwani Zakir Sadani Cinematography Hemant Patil, Executive Producer Avadhesh Verma, Vinay Kumar, Anil Anuj, Choreographer F.A.  Khan, Raju Roy, Mishti, Kala Rajesh Bisht Action Riyaz Sultan, Casting Vinay Kumar (Peves Film) Makeup Badshah Bhai, Dressman Arif Bhai, Post Production P. R Studio (Parvez Alam), Assistant Director Vimal Singh, Shashank Saini (Jai)  , Nikita Mane, Jyoti Dixit, Sarvesh Khan are the lead cast – Vishal Desai, Vijay Singh Patel, Kapil Solanki, Nagendra Patel, Ram Charan Patel, Rukhsar Khan, AD, purvi Shirke, Shobha Singh Rajaput, Deep Soni, Pooja Pandya Lead Villain-Prashant Pundir, Tanushree Mukherjee, Ramesh Goyal, Dilip Kedar, Sachin Chare, Devendra Dixit, Avadhesh Verma, Star Cast-Rajpal Yadav, Mushtaq Khan, Ali Khan, Gajendra Chahan, Kamal Malik, Basheer  Khan, Gulshan Pandey, Shivpujan Tiwari, Sunil Desai, Supriya Desai, Gauri Wankhede, Vaishali Ghosh, Garima Agarwal, Pooja Desai, Sakshi Tiwari, Sunny Tiwari, Shweta Sinha, Neelam Aroar  , Ravish Kant, Raju Harsana, Dharmendra Bachchan, Jatin Sharma, Mithlesh Kumar, Vinod Patel, Krishna Singh, Ranveer Wadhwani, Pooja Naik, Mamta Pathak, Seema Sharma, Mita Mitra Sharma, Ajit Aryan, Anil Anuj, Isha Parikh Neelu Sharma, Manish  Kumar, AK Raza, Zakir Khan, Gabbar Singh, Pradeep Chabe, Lucky Thakur, Rinki Chaudhary, Sheraj Alam, Bandhu Khanna, Jeevan Vadhera, Tanuj Khandelwal, Pawan Ji, Shyam Soni, Neeraj Rathod, Jai Prakash Jha, Ranjit Das,  Ahil, Jagdish Patil, Mohammad Islauddin Saudagar, Imtiaz Khan, Irshad Ahmed Rangrez, Tabrej Sheikh, Ramu Yadav, Naitik Thakkar, Gulab Patel, Prashant Magician, Manoj Gurjar, Chandresh Gottecha, Deepak Kumar, Harshitha, Rachi Chare, Mamta Hirani, Himangani (  Item dancer), musk (item dancer) etc.


Saas Bahu Aur Devrani Stardom Awards 2019: Mohit Malik And Rubina Delaik Win Best Actor

Mumbai, 7th November 2019: A grand celebration with some of the biggest stars of television, the first edition of News18 India’s Saas Bahu aur Devrani Stardom Awards was an evening high on glitz, glamour and entertainment. From star-studded red carpet appearances and stunning performances to notable winners, the awards emerged as the ultimate platform recognizing top talent of the television fraternity.

Commenting on the success of the awards, Mr. Mayank Jain, CEO, Hindi News Cluster, News18 Network said, “The awards were a huge endorsement of the power of the News18 India brand and the popularity of the Saas, Bahu aur Devrani show. The huge turnout of top celebrities was a clear testimony to the credibility of the awards, a quality that has come to be strongly associated with our brand. We hope to build on this success and make this the award by which quality of TV shows and artists’ performances get measured in the TV entertainment industry.”

Some of the industry’s favorite shows, characters and actors won the top honors including Mohit Malik, Rubina Delaik, Mohsin Khan & Shivangi Joshi. Popular shows such as Ye Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain, Nimki Mukhiya, RadhaKrishn bagged top awards at the ceremony. Hina Khan was bestowed with Devrani Ki Super Didi and Kapil Sharma was recognized as Performer of the Year.

Hosts Paritosh Tripathi and Samarth Pathak kept the audience engaged throughout the event with their quirky acts.

The event witnessed the presence of industry’ most prominent celebrities such as Kapil Sharma, Shivangi Joshi, Shubhangi Atre, Randeep Rai, Karan Singh Grover, Surbhi Chandna, Shaheer Sheikh, Rhea Sharma, among many others.

The first edition of the Stardom Awards was truly a night to remember.  To experience all the excitement stay tuned to Saas Bahu aur Devrani on News18 India and follow #StardomAwards and #News18India for all the exclusive sneak peeks.


Winners of the Saas Bahu aur Devrani Stardom Awards are as follows:

  • Best Actor, Male: Mohit Malik for Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala
  • Best Actor, Female: Rubina Delaik for Shakti
  • Best Jodi in a Leading Role: Mohsin Khan & Shivangi Joshi for Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
  • Best Actor, Male, Editors’ Choice: Randeep Rai for Ye Unn Dino Ki Baat Hai
  • Best Actor, Female, Editors’ Choice: Bhumika Gurung for Nimki Mukhiya
  • Best Actor in a Negative Role: Hina Khan & Mona Lisa for Kasauti Zindagi Kay & Nazar, respectively
  • Performer of the Year: Kapil Sharma
  • Best Actor in a Comic Role: Krushna Abhishek for The Kapil Sharma Show
  • Best Child Actor: Krish & Harshit for Ram Siya Ke Luv Kush
  • Devrani Ke Best Jodidaar (Most Popular Jodi): Mallika Singh & Sumedh Mudgalkar for Radhakrishn
  • Devrani Ki Sachchi Saheli (Most Popular Face): Shubhangi Atre for Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain
  • Best Gruhni Award: Kanika Mann for Guddan
  • Devrani Ki Super Didi (Most Accomplished Actor): Hina Khan
  • Devrani Ke Social Media Stars: Shaheer Sheikh and Rhea Sharma
  • Devrani Ke Best Devar (Best Debut, Male): Abrar Qazi
  • Devrani Ki Best Devrani (Best Debut, Female): Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia
  • Best Dance Show: Dance Deewane
  • Best Singing Show: Indian Idol
  • Achiever of the Year, Programming: Ashish Gowalikar, Head – Programming, Sony
  • Achiever of the Year, Communications: Sonia Huria, Head – Communications, Colors
  • Achiever of the Year, Producer: Rajan Sahi, Ye Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
  • Achiever of the Year, Director: Sidharth Kr Tiwaray, RadhaKrishn
Latest Films

Vinay Pathak – Rajpal Yadav And Sanjay Mishra Film Mr Black Mr White Trailer Out

This is good news for comedy film lovers and Vinay Pathak, Rajpal Yadav and Sanjay Mishra Fans, now Mr. Black and Mr White has release date. The film has been passed with UA certificate from censor board and ready to hits the theaters on 8th November. For many of us, films are one of the best ways to relax and enjoy. And if there is one genre that fits every mood, it is comedy. High concept films, interesting and engaging storylines have started appealing to the audiences and started compelling audience to go to the theatres.

The makers have already released the first look poster of comedy flick ‘Mr Black Mr White’, starring Vinay Pathak, Rajpal Yadav, Sanjay Mishra, Manoj Joshi, Hemant Pandey, Vijay Raaz, Murli Sharma, Suresh Menon and Resham Tipnis. The trailer has also been released and shown in theaters and News Channels all over the India.  The film has been produced by Mr. Santosh S Lad and presented by Subedar TM Suryawanshi of Multi Choice Productions. Thus, 2019 is set to be a great year for Bollywood, from big ensemble casts coming all together to give you laughter tadka. The film is written and directed by NS Raj Bharath.


Dr Chatur Singh Khalsa – Founder Chairman Zen Asia Foundation with winners PRESTIGIOUS FACE OF THE YEAR

INSTITUTE. Zen Asia Foundation keeping its tradition alive for several years once again presented Face Of The Year & Designer Of The Year Award 2019, Powered by Seem by Seema & AIFT Fashion Designing Institue, The coveted event was staged at St. Andrews Auditorium at Bandra Mumbai on September 26th Thursday 2019. The show was organised by the Father of Zen Asia Foundation – Dr. Chatur Singh Khalsa.
Both the shows elevate the beauty and style bars high, with grand success of the show. Zen Asia organised event not only connected with fashion, beauty and womanhood, but also played a leading role in creating social impact while promoting Women Empowerment, Skill India, Make in India and Made for Indians. During the show, a perfect blend of fashion and culture depicted through nicely constructed
silhouettes and use of fabrics making world fashion come to our door steps. In fashion hub of Mumbai which were worn by models who walked ramp in creative colors and designs were choosen as the ultimate face of the year 2019. During the show, THE JOURNEY BOLLYWOOD TRIBUTE Round was included which was dedicated to BOLLYWOOD COMPLETED SUCCESSFUL 100 YEARS, round was designed by PIFT Paanacea Institute.
The mega show was opened with MAHARASHTRAIN TRADITIONAL WEAR, and design by SEEM BY SEEMA . Designer from GWAILOR show cased & LAUNCH BRAND SHIKHA SNEHA SINGH. The Grand Finale gown round showcased by SEEM BY SEEMA BHANDUP. The make up hair partner was Natasha Tilwani and grooming was done by Simon Davidson & CHOREOGRAPHY BY PRAGAYATA SHARAN ONE SPECIAL ROUND BY AJAY SHRI RATHOD BRIDAL WEAR AND LAUNCH HIS LABEL AND BRAND AJAY SHREE RATHOR ULTRA LUXURY BRAND BRIDAL WEAR, Chatur Singh Khalsa – Founder Chairman Zen Asia Foundation says “The main objective of the show is to give the budding fashion designers and a platform to show case their talents and get a taste of their chosen industry.

The active support ofthe judges and designers will give tremendous confidence and encouragement to these budding young designers and models in future to come “. Designer of the year winners:SANSKRUTI PARDESHI from NIIFD Fashion Designing Institute became a proud winner whereas SAIRA MEMON was first runner up and SUSHMA BORADE became second runner up on the event. Both were from NIIFD Fashion Designing Institute. Face of the Face Of The Year winners: KIRAN U TAMBE became a proud winner whereas LAXMI P DUBEY became first runner

Dr. Chatursingh Khalsa
8087211721whts up

Business News

Sai Bandana Film City – A Dream Location For Film Makers

——-Says  Deepak Bhanushali of Once More Studios

Locations for a film are as important as the right  script and the right director to make a hit film.  Bollywood directors are now scouting new locations and are ready to go out of their way to bring reality to their film by shooting on the right locations.  Keeping this in mind Oncemorestudios has started Digital platform which caters to the right people from Bollywood that is Production houses / Production managers / Art directors / Web content makers / Music house / story tellers and various others who are looking for good locations for their projects Oncemorestudios have worked for films like Jai Ho, Kick, Shoot Out At Wadala and Rangrezz and 3000 more productions the company keeps providing locations to add authenticity  and freshness to a film.

Deepak Bhanushali who started his Once More Studios   provides the authentic detailing to the film makers by offering great locations.    “India is a treasure trove of beautiful and exotic locations, not many filmmakers have explored them. But we at Once More Studios not only have the vision but also the foresight to find these locales for them” says Deepak Bhanushali.

Now once More Studios is  all set to introduce SAI BANDANA FILM CITY which  is spread in 17 actres on Virar highway just 60 minutes drive from mumbai Airport. SAI BANDANA FILM CITY has various locations like BUNGALOW/LAWN/FOREST/INTERIORS/PALM TREES CORRIDOR /RIVER/VILLAGE/RESTAURANT /RESORT

Other facility like can be arranged like booking of mini busses and taxis from station to studio  which is just a seven minutes drive from station to studio.    The Studio floor which is about 100x100x40 is spacious enough for shoots.  There is also a  Garden comprising of a  Lawn and is surrounded by Lush Mountains and Landscapes which is available for shoots continuously.

Deepak Bhanushali also  reveals that they plan to provide  a ready made RESORT , a House with  Garden, Villages with multiple changes of roofs etc.   They  are also planning to launch Paragliding Services for  shoots  very shortly.

Mr Shubham CMD of SAI BANDANA FILM CITY will be soon providing entire location required for a film shoot in virar.   Since Production houses are finding dearth of foreign locations or international look for their films within the country,  Mr Shubham have planned  to provide all the Modern  International Amenities  within the Sai Bandana Film City.  Hence Filmmakers will not have to travel abroad for International locations.


The lush green mountains, the scenic landscapes and the lawn gardens can be used for romantic scenes and songs.

“We will provide great amenities and we can meet all commercial requirements for a good film at Sai Bandana Film City.  We are proud to announce that you will not have to hunt for any other location once you are within the vicinity of virar states Shubham.